Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Obama Huddles with Democrats on Protecting his Signature Health Care Law

Obama Huddles with Democrats on Protecting his Signature Health Care Law

Obama recently met with Democratic congressmen to discuss ways to protect and preserve the Affordable Care Act. Donald Trump has been very adamant about repealing and replacing ACA, as well as with several other of Obama's executive orders that vary from protection for the LGBT+ community, Planned Parenthood funding, and environmental protection. While Obama met with Democrats, Mike Pence met with House Republicans and vaguely described Trump's plan to reverse Obama's policiesusing a two-track approach and executive orders.

How will the reversal of ACA affect health care in America? Will Trump follow through with his promises to reverse all of Obama's policies or will he keep some? What other policies besides the ACA will Trump target?


  1. There's a lot of noise coming from both parties about Obamacare. Democrats declare that the ACA was a great success, while Republicans denounce it as an expensive train wreck. Personally, I don't know enough about how effective the law has been to have an opinion on whether or not it should be repealed. However, it is definitely frightening that the Republicans are being so vague with their plans. Even if they have ideas for the "repeal" part, the "replace" component of their slogan is equally important. Before, president-elect Trump said that he would be willing to maintain some parts of Obama's policy, so maybe some compromises will be made. I expect Republicans to continue picking apart the progressive reforms made under Obama. Recently, Paul Ryan stated that the GOP is going to push to defund Planned Parenthood. Yikes.

  2. The Democrats are right in saying it's the responsibility of the Republicans to draft a replacement bill if they seriously plan on repealing Obama care. However, this will likely not be a satisfactory proposal or even a legitimate possibility, so it could be in the best interest of Congressional Democrats to start thinking. I'm sure that Obamacare and Planned Parenthood will be debated heavily under trump's administration, but I also think Congress will take advantage of the current political state of the country and push their own agenda if they can abound together long enough to use the time they have with Trump.

  3. Getting rid of the ACA will leave millions of people without health insurance so it will be very interesting to see what Republicans come up with to replace it. I agree with Ryan; it is really scary that the Republicans are being so vague about what exactly they're going to replace the ACA with. Vagueness in certain subjects has been a common trend throughout Trump's campaign along with inconsistancy, so it's hard for me to say if Trump will reverse all of Obama's policies and if not all what other policies I think Trump will target. It does seem like Planned Parenthood will be one of the areas Republicans are looking to target based on what I've been reading lately.

  4. I don't know enough to be able to tell whether the ACA was successful or not, but many people depend on it for health care so the GOP must have a replacement implemented before they repeal it. Trump's unpredictable tendencies lead me to believe that he might not repeal it outright, but it's hard to tell due to the vagueness of the GOP's plans. Other than the ACA, Trump will certainly target Planned Parenthood.

  5. They can't get rid of Obamacare, well technically they can. But I believe that somewhere in my tweets I read that repealing it will cost the taxpayer around 350 BILLION dollars over the next 10 years which is ridiculous and if the average taxpayer had known this, maybe they wouldn't have voted for the people who campaigned on it.

  6. As much as the Republicans like to argue otherwise, it is obvious that the ACA does more harm than good. While it is slightly flawed, Obamacare provides millions of Americans with healthcare. The Republicans should set aside their egos for like five minutes and realize that repealing this could literally kill Americans.

  7. Although Obamacare is far from perfect and should undoubtedly be reformed in some ways, the fact of the matter is that millions of people are relying on it to help with payments for various health care needs. If the ACA is repealed then the price of medicine and treatments for people currently on Obamacare will skyrocket, to the point where some people will be unable to pay and will ultimately die because of it. I hope that Trump's plan to repeal Obamacare will fall through like so many of his other promises, but with his appointments of so many people that are even more adamant about repealing ACA it looks as though Republicans will at least put up a decent fight to get rid of Obamacare.

  8. The reversal of Obamacare will affect millions of Americans. Many people rely on Obamacare, and if it is repealed it will cause the people using Obamacaere as insurance to increase the amount they have to pay for medicine. If they decide to repeal it they should have a replacement plan for the ACA so the people in America won't be left to pay more money for their health care. The republicans also plan to defund Planned Parenthood.

  9. Since Trump has been very vague with explaining what he plans on replacing the ACA with, its hard to say what kind of impact getting rid of the ACA will have on American citizens other than possibly leaving thousands of people without health insurance, which would be terrible. I know that Trump has spoken out many times about his plan to defund planned parenthood as well.

  10. Getting rid of ACA without having a legitimate replacement lined up and ready is completely stupid, irresponsible, and basically letting all the people relying on it to live know that they don't matter in this country. Without ACA, millions won't be able to get the medicine they need to survive without being plunged into bankruptcy. Basically, the arguments I've heard against AA have been that it costs people money and that it's not perfect. The argument for it is that people would have died without the coverage it provides. As someone with a very close family friend that suffers from a chronic illness that requires multiple medications that she vitally needs, I can say with absolute certainty that families relying on AA are genuinely terrified for their lives during this American turning point. Getting rid of ACA would be absolutely disastrous.

  11. As he has in most other policy areas, Trump has put forth only the vaguest of plans on how to replace Obamacare. It seems that he has only gotten to the point in his thought process of repealing the ACA, and hasn't actually considered the implications. Following the repeal, while he and his supporters struggle to plan out a suitable replacement for Obamacare, millions of Americans would be without health insurance, leading to crippling debt as they attempt to pay their medical bills. Though the Affordable Cara Act is obviously not perfect, Trump needs to at least consider reforming it before rashly moving to repeal it.

  12. I do not know enough about the ACA to have a concrete opinion, but I disagree with repealing it completely. This would leave millions of people without healthcare. I think that it is possible that a better version of healthcare can be provided, but in the process of replacing it many people will be without healthcare. As for defunding planned parenthood, that would be a complete mistake. Planned parenthood provides many services and is accessible to millions of women throughout the United States. Simply stated: it doesn't hurt, it helps. Defunding it would disadvantage many women and I am scared of the fact that it is a possibility.

  13. I think it will be terrible for society if the ACA is repealed completely and in one swift step. Many people have access to health care that they never would have been able to afford without Obamacare. Health Care was moving in such a positive, progressive way and it would hurt a lot of people for it to just be halted.

  14. While the Republicans are vaguely claiming to shut down Obamacare and other important things that Obama implemented that helped many Americans, I feel as though, for the most part, it won't be done. If it is through Trump, he seriously might get to lazy to think of a new idea and continue with some of Obama's old ideas. In general, all the Republicans are saying is so broad that I can't really tell what their plan is. Overall though, getting rid of Obamacare or something comparable to that would be a huge mistake because it would be taking away affordable healthcare for millions of Americans.

  15. Even if (hypothetically) Obamacare was the worst plan ever, Trump getting into office and then immediately repealing it would be a horrible idea. So many people are in favor of it that it would create so much more distaste and divide among the people. Trump is going to have a very difficult time attempting to bring the nation together and repealing Obamacare right away would just make it so much harder for himself. Needless to say, so many Americans rely on Obamacare and removing it would endanger their well-being which is obviously terrible.

  16. The ACA benefits so many people and though it is far from perfect, it shouldn't be repealed completely. It should be revised or if it's replaced, there should be a plan which immediately takes its place. The Trump administration is also targeting planned parenthood as well as environmental regulations which are both so important for our nation. Planned parenthood benefits so many women across America and defunding it would be a huge mistake.

  17. It would be really ideological for anyone to say that Obamacare doesn't have its fair share of problems. Even Obama has been very critical of its flaws. Premiums are too high, subsidies for low-income people too low, etc. However, Republicans are planning to repeal this legislation for all the wrong reasons. They say they want everyone covered, but the simple fact is that they don't. Universal coverage has never been under their radar. And now that 20+ million peoples' healthcare is at stake, Republicans are trying to mask their intentions. They will not find a better plan than Obamacare, unless it's dramatically more to the left than the ACA, and frankly they don't want one.

  18. I've been confused about what the ACA (Obamacare) is for a great while, so I just searched "non partisan ACA statistics" and clicked on a reputable-looking website. Overall, the statistics don't lie: it has been a helpful tax that hasn't threatened anyone's way of life, only improved the lives of millions of users. I get that Republicans hate taxes and whatnot, but this seems like a basic necessity that should be provided by a functioning government. On a human level, I don't see how people can willingly and knowingly discard the insurance (and therefore potential wellbeing) of nearly 20 million people.

  19. Considering the numerous benefits provided by Obamacare, I don't think it would be the greatest idea to repeal it. There are countless people who have access to healthcare who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it. These people should not have to suffer simply because Donald Trump wants to repeal it.


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