Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Obama calls for seamless transition for US military to Trump

Obama calls for seamless transition for US military to Trump

As the the presidential cycle begins anew, Barack Obama is gracefully stepping down from his position as commander in chief (not that he had a choice), and trying to make sure that the integrity of the military remains uncompromised despite Trump's questionable military objectives. Earlier in his campaign, Trump mentioned wanting to reinstate the practice of waterboarding, in addition to other torture and interrogation techniques. Furthermore, Obama "pointed to a handful of conflicts that Trump will inherit when he takes office...including the fight against the Islamic State group in Syria and in the Iraqi city of Mosul"; these conflicts are obviously very delicate situations that would be difficult for any president to deal with correctly. It is clear that Obama wants the best for his country and is trying his hardest to achieve it. However, will Trump be able to handle the massive responsibility of the military, even with Obama doing his best to make the transition smooth?


  1. The thought of Donald Trump being the leader of the most powerful military in the world is pretty terrifying. However, he should be surrounded by military experts who know what they're doing. As long as he leaves the heavy lifting to these experts, America should be in good shape. It's very mature of President Obama to make sure he sets up his successor to succeed.

  2. Um, no. Definitely not, would be the short answer.

    Trump is not trustworthy at all in general, and now we are putting the fate of potentially the world in his hands as Commander in Chief. There area lot of fragile situations globally, and I don't believe Trump can navigate them in a safe and beneficial manner. It's important that Obama recognizes the fragility of the situation and is trying to make this an easy transition. Hopefully there will be plenty of officers and military experts to guide Trump and make sure the world isn't completely destroyed.

  3. I'm very glad that Trump isn't the only person in power of the military! If so, the world would probably be in some major trouble but there are a lot of people and military advisors who know what they're doing who can hopefully help Trump make good decisions. I'm very glad that President Obama is helping Trump out by making this an easy transition. I think that Obama realizes what is potentially at stake and is trying to do what he can in this situation. I'd like to remain optimistic that all of the people around Trump with military experience and expertise will point him in the right direction.

  4. I think that Trump will be able to handle this great responsibility by entrusting it to others. He will have countless advisors and experts around him, so if he leaves the decision making up to them I think America will be okay. While Trump may become merely a puppet, that is better than letting him come up with his own plans.

  5. I think it is safe to say that Trump is a pretty rash guy. Regardless of opinions on him, I think that most people would agree he makes some pretty decisions ie going on WWE and fighting Vince McMahon on national television. I don't want someone who has voluntarily been on WWE to be able to dispatch attacks on other countries. Yes Trump will have advisors and whatnot but what I've seen so far would lead me to believe that he would want to be in control himself and his attitude/temper might lead him to do something rash. Great power comes with great responsibility and the mass amount of power the US military brings cannot be trusted in hands of someone who may(does) have a 'slight' responsibility problem. However, I must admit: I am intrigued to hear what all these 'intel based plans' that he claims he has are. I mean these claims of high military intelligence are coming from a man who within the same year said, "I know more than the generals do about ISIS," and then said in a completely serious, literal sense that, "Barack Obama is the founder of ISIS,".

    I am glad to see that Obama is trying to make an easier transition to the White House for Trump as his previous president did for him and I hope that this act now sets a precedent for all future presidents and Trump for when they leave the White House themselves.

  6. I think that the best solution to most of these problems is to let the professionals and the people most experienced in fighting different problems, fight them. For example, people are under the illusion that the US has done most of the fighting against IS. In actuality, the Kurds in Northern Syria have actually done a majority of the damage and beatback against IS. We should at most supply weapons and things like this to good domestic revolutionary groups that have done a majority of the fighting and know them the best.

  7. Although the president will technically be in charge of the army, I agree with Harrison that it would be in everyone's best interest if DT step back and allow experienced professionals to handle our country's armed forces. However, I doubt that he can put away his pride enough to do so, which is concerning considering his complete, utter lack of experience.

  8. It is good that Obama is trying his best to make Trump's transition to President easier. I think that Trump being Commander in Chief is a scary thing, however I think if he relies on the professionals and military experts to guide his decisions and help him hopefully he will make good decisions. After reading some of these post, I agree that it will be concerning if Trump can't put away his ego and let others with more experience take over.

  9. Despite Obama's efforts, our only real hope is that Trump entrusts the military to other more experienced and hopefully more competent and responsible individuals. One would assume that there are enough people in the defense department and related departments with adequate knowledge of international relations to know to handle the situation with Syria and other touchy matters with great care. And hopefully these same people will inform Trump that waterboarding isn't the best idea. Otherwise the next four years aren't going to be great.

  10. I think Trump seems a little too confident in his ability to command the military. Taking command of the worlds most powerful military is not something you do based on rash decisions or extreme concepts which Trump has been talking about since his primary debates. and although Obama has been trying to make the transition of power smooth I don't know if he even knows what to really expect from Trump once he is inaugurated.

  11. I don't think Obama trying to make the transition smooth will help Trump's ability to be commander-in-chief competently at all. Trump has proven his rashness and impulsivity since day one, and that is an incredibly dangerous quality in a person that has control over the world's most powerful military. That impulsive nature, coupled with his blatant disrespect to other races and ethnicities, is one of the many things that terrifies me about the Trump presidency.

  12. Obama's attempt at a peaceful transition helps to alleviate some of the current political tension. I believe that despite the fact that many people are not comfortable with the outcome of the election, it is important to still adopt a largely unified front as a nation composed not of simply republicans and democrats but as Americans. Military issues should be dealt with by professionals and rash action should be avoided.

  13. Donald Trump has many huge responsibilities that will slip onto his plate as soon as he's inaugurated. I think it's unreasonable of us to expect that he will handle all of these responsibilities in an intelligent manner since he has no prior experience and has had certain misdemeanors in the past. If we're lucky, and I hope we are, he'll realize his immense under qualification and hire people who know what they're talking about to handle delicate situation.

  14. Obama thinks he has an idea of what lies ahead and how Trump is going to handle things when in office, so Obama, first of all, is going to make sure that he sets Trump up in good terms to prevent any issues that could arise. While Trump can be extremely dangerous, it could possibly be so that he will end up not doing anything productive and nothing will get done in the end. While that is not by all means the ideal, it is better than getting the US into any unneeded and dangerous wars with other countries. Obama has done a great job with the country and is going to set Trump up as best as he can for safety reasons.

  15. It would be ideal if Trump steps back from head of the military and gives it to someone with more experience- as he has none. It's absolutely terrifying that this man is the commander in chief of our military, especially because he is very impulsive. Obama is doing his best to make the transition as smooth as possible, however he doesn't really have a choice.

  16. I certainly do not believe it would be a good idea to leave Donald Trump solely in power of the military but with the help of others, I would definitely feel much safer. Considering he's going to have advisors and people with far more experience than he does to guide him, he won't be acting per his wish, so we will be safe... I think.


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