Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Donald Trump just handed Senate Democrats another lucky break

With an increasingly grim picture for Democrats as Trump chooses more and more cabinet members, the left needs as many breaks as they can get. Trump's appointment of Ryan Zinke greatly increases the chances of Democrats keeping a Montana Senate seat. At this point, every seat is vital.  Do you think that Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will benefit Senate Democrats? What are other "silver linings" for Democrats from Trump's appointments so far?


  1. It is definitely fortunate for Senate Democrats and the greater Democratic Party that they have a higher chance of retaining that Montana seat. I find it pretty interesting that Montana has a Democratic governor and a Democratic senator, given that it is a very safe red state in presidential elections. I think most people were surprised by the number of losses suffered by Democrats during this election year. Theoretically, they should fare better during 2018, since midterm elections often turn out against the party of the current president.

  2. Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will definately help Senate Democrats, as he will likely face a weaker GOP challenger. I think the main silver lining for Senate Democrats regarding Trump's appointments is that the appointments are turning some GOP Senators against Trump. Senators McCain and Graham have already spoken out in opposition to Trump's Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson, who is so close to Putin that he was awarded Russia's Order of Friendship and has zero governmental experience. It seems that Senate Democrats may find allies in moderate GOP senators, which will make it easier to block Trump's extreme agenda.

  3. I agree with Ryan that it's interesting how Montana has Democratics in power when it has been extremely Republican. It's good that the Democrats are hopefully going to keep that seat, but there's still a lot that needs to happen for Congress to be more susceptible to Democratic ideals. The majority of Trump's appointments have been nothing short of awful, but people such as Rand Paul have said that they would oppose certain nominations. It's good that Republicans are recognizing the dangers of some appointments.

  4. I think Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will help Senate Democrats, and I agree with Josh that the main silver lining of Trump's terrible appointments so far is the opposition that has gained traction from members of his own party. Democrats and moderate Republicans might come together to stop Trump's extreme ideas.

  5. The Democrats certainly need every seat they can get in the Senate if they want to stand up to Trump. Another added benefit with Trump's appointments, as mentioned before, is the fact that many Republican's dislike his nominations, which continues to isolate Trump from the more moderate Republicans.

  6. Zinke becoming the Secretary of the Interior will definitely benefit the democrats but I wouldn't say he would benefit them enough to make much of a difference. While there is a sharp decline in Democrats now, probably the next election will have more Democrats elected.

  7. I believe Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will benefit the democrats, but won't make much of a difference. The democrats can work at trying to stop some of the plans or ideas trump has, but the president being the opposite party will be hard. Although, the democrats and moderate republicans could team up to help stop Trump and his obsurd ideas.

  8. I think Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will ultimately benefit the Democratic Senators, as well. I think it's interesting how the movement of one politician has a chain effect of how elections will turn out and who will be in office. While this seems like good news for Democrats, it's becoming increasingly difficult to predict how these situations will turn out. We're just going to have to wait and see how this presidency unfolds itself, and how that affects Congress.

  9. I think Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will benefit the democratic senators. The democrats need as many seat as they can get. I agree it is very surprising that Montana has a democratic senator considering that it is a mostly red state. As previously mentioned, it is an added benefit that some republicans don't support Trumps nominations.

  10. While Zinke's nomination benefit democrats, I do not think one person will have a large enough impact to affect congress as a whole. As mentioned previously, hope lies in the 2018 elections.

  11. I do think that Zinke's appointment to Secretary of the Interior will benefit Democratic Senators, and Democrats in general. Since it does look likely that Democrats will win the Montana seat, they will be closer to having a majority a Senate seats which will help now and for elections to come.

  12. I also think Zinke becoming the Secretary of the Interior will benefit senate democrats. This will hopefully help democrats gain seats in the senate as well but I agree with Lauren that one person may not be able to impact congress enough for the democrats

  13. I definitely think that the nomination of Zinke as secretary of the interior should be an asset to Democrats in the Senate. Another silver lining from Trump's appointments, paradoxically, is just how bad they are. Because of his awful nominations, political figures from both parties will flock oppose him, ultimately helping to mitigate the damage done to America throughout Trump's term.

  14. I believe that Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will help Senate Democrats. I agree with others that the main silver lining of Trump's appointment is the fact that members of his own party have increasingly begun to oppose him. It's possible that democrats and moderate republicans opposed to Trump will come together to prevent some of Trump's actions from happening.

  15. I believe this will influence the democrats to gain numbers on the senate, but one person, Zinke, becoming secretary is not enough. Democrats and republicans who are now opposing trump need to come together and help prevent some of the unreasonable decisions trump wants to make.

  16. I agree with Neil that one seat is clearly not enough to give Democrats an advantage but at least it's a step for progress. I mean that's one seat closer towards them reaching a Senate majority.

  17. Clearly, Democrats are at a huge disadvantage this cycle. However, that doesn't mean things can't get better under current conditions. I also think that due to the fact that a lotto Trump's nominees are almost reactionary, it'll make these figures more easy to reject for appointment.

  18. The Republicans will face a slight downswing in the 2018 midterm elections, as Ryan said earlier, because historically the party holding the executive branch loses some votes in the second year of a new presidential term. Small steps are still steps, and as frustrating as this situation is, Democrats were on the opposite side of this spectrum around 2009 and 2010. Republicans survived being down for 6 years and made a roaring comeback with the 2016 elections. Democrats need to take this L and regroup before striking back harder than ever.

  19. I agree with both David and Neil in the sense that one person certainly is not nearly enough to make a significant impact but everything is one step at a time. This isn't enough but it certainly is a good start.


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