Saturday, November 26, 2016

Romney said to be serious about secretary of state job
Donald Trump is considering Mitt Romney as a possible candidate for the Secretary of State position.  Trump and Romney met at Trump's Golf Retreat to discuss the possibility of him getting the position,  and since then it has been confirmed by Mike Pence that Romney is under active consideration for the position. What do you think about Mitt Romney being the possible Secretary of State? Remeber, Trump and Romney have not always had the best relationship this year, having verbal disputes over the course of the campaign.


  1. I think this is yet another example of Trump's inconsistency and unpredictability. Even considering Romney as a possible candidate for Secretary of State demonstrates a complete 180 for Trump, given their fighting in the recent past. I am worried what else Trump might do if he can go from publicly hating someone to considering him for Secretary of State in such a short period of time.

  2. I agree with what Matt says. Trump and Romney haven't gotten along in the recent past, so why should they work together now? Considering who else Trump is considering, I don't really think it'd be all that bad to have Romney hold a cabinet position. Of course, none of this is ideal, but he has experience and is fairly qualified.

  3. I think having Romney as Secretary of State wouldn't be bad at all. He's qualified and will probably do a good job. However, it's very strange that someone who was so outspoken against Trump be considered for a hig ranking position in the government. Maybe this is an effort by Trump to unify the party and the country or maybe Trump simply doesn't know what he's doing. Either way, it's going to be interesting.

  4. Romney could possibly be a good candidate for the Secretary of State but the fact that Trump is considering him and he is considering it, is the issue. They have not been in good terms for a while and Romney has spoken against Trump on many occasions, so why is it so that all of a sudden Trump wants him to be the Secretary of State? Maybe he can't find anyone else, and if so, then that's really stupid. Or maybe Trump just isn't thinking, which is most likely the case. For Romney, accepting the position would mean supporting Trump, despite how well he actually does. I don't think it is a smart move on his part.

  5. I'm very surprised that Trump is considering Romney for Secretary of State. Romney would probably be an all right Secretary of State, it's just really strange to me that Trump would even consider him because it really didn't seem like they liked each other! Hopefully, Trump is just trying to make ammends with important members of the Republican Party and have a good team with him as he proceeds with his presidency. Trying to unite the party and have qualified politicians in important positions in his administrations would not be a bad idea

  6. I figured that President-elect Trump would extend an olive branch to what appears to be the "old" Republicans. However, I'm fairly surprised that he would offer a position to Mitt Romney, considering their past differences. Mitt Romney certainly does not like Mr. Trump, as shown in his speech during the primary in which he verbally eviscerated him (I watched and loved every second of it). I don't think Romney is too hawkish, but I'm not sure. It'd be nice to have a moderate person as Secretary of State, so we don't completely destroy our international reputation.

  7. This is ridiculous and shows how inconsistent Trump is. Romney and Trump have blatantly hated one another since Trump's campain began; just last week, Kellyann Conway insulted Romney. His consideration of being Secretary of State shows that Romney only cares about power even if it means representing a president that he does not agree with.

  8. Romney and Trump have had an extremely meddlesome relationship, consistently bashing each other even up to recently, but even so I'm not particularly surprised that they are playing nice. I'm not under the impression that Trump and Romney actually like each other now, but now that Trump has won the election I'm sure lots of Republicans are trying to pretend like they never hated Trump as much as they did. And although I'm particularly happy about the potential of Romney being our secretary of state, the idea of Rudy Giuliani filling the position doesn't thrill me either.

  9. I believe that Mitt Romney could be a decent candidate for the position considering his experience and qualifications. It is weird, however, that Trump has changed his opinion of Romney and is considering him when he has spoken against him in the past. Trump may be attempting to create a more unified party and to appeal to the republicans that dislike him.

  10. I think Mitt Romney has potential to be a good candidate for the position because he has a lot of experience. Mitt Romney and Trump haven't has the best relationship in the past, however now that trump has won the election he is trying to get a position. It's hard to believe Romney has changed his opinions on Trump after all that he has said in the past, but he will have to get over his problems with Trump if he hopes to be the possible secretary of state.

  11. It's surprising that Trump is considering Romney for the position, especially given the fact that they've hated each other for the past year. I think that Trump is only offering him the position because he is trying to get support from Republicans and unite the party.

  12. While I don't agree with Mitt Romney in most things, I can still recognize that he is well qualified for the job of Secretary of State, considering his experience. However, it is extremely unusual that Donald Trump would even consider him for the position, because of their past history together. There seem to be only two explanations for this odd behavior: one--Trump is making a smart move by trying to make amends with the rest of the Republican Party, or two--Trump has no idea what he is doing and is just unintentionally displaying his lack of consistency.

  13. I don't personally agree with Mitt Romney's views, but he's definitely on the better end of Trump's cabinet picks. For one, he actual has political experience. The fact that he's had a rocky relationship in the past with Trump is actually a good thing; hopefully, this means he will be willing to stand up to Trump and disagree with him when necessary instead of purely following.

  14. While I understand where Abby is coming from, I personally disagree. From what I've seen I think Mitt Romney will follow what Trump says just because Trump is in power now. Romney openly disapproved of Trump and then suddenly when he is elected, Romney flips his mind and supports Trump now that he could possibly be Secretary of State. The fact that he came right back to Trump when he won personally has me think less of Romney. If he can't be open about what he really thinks of Trump, I just wonder how else his possible position as Secretary of State will be controlled by Trump.

  15. I think it's interesting that Romney was at the forefront of the Republican coalition against Donald Trump, yet upon his election he immediately changes his position and expresses desire to be a member of his cabinet. Trump was also very vocal about his dislike for Romney. This really just makes me think that Trump is letting Republican officials make his picks for him.

  16. I think Romney would be a solid pick for Secretary of State. He's been a prominent member of the political landscape for quite some time now, and while I fundamentally disagree with many of his political views, he is a smart man who would certainly be qualified. He does seem to have some backbone, too; I haven't done all the research, but as Mike points out, Romney and Trump have been at odds before.


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