Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Obama Reacting To Trump In Office


This article talks about Obama's reaction to Donald Trump being elected as the new President of the United States. After finishing his final term, Barack Obama says he's going to help and encourage democrats to oppose Trump as their president as best he can. He feels as though he needs to stay within the race because he failed his party, promising to help Hillary win. Are you sirpised by your current president's reaction? Do. You think his actions are inappropriate as a future ex-president?


  1. I'm definitely not surprised that President Obama plans to remain politically relevant after his presidency ends, especially considering how young he is and how much support he still has. However, I think that he should be careful not to focus on being anti-Trump. Such an explicitly negative position would certainly not help the country mend its divisions. If President Obama focuses on positive things, like the protection of everybody's rights, he can effectively oppose any of Mr. Trump's policies that cross the line in a more healthy way. I'm interested to see how President Obama behaves after his presidency ends, because the media will surely not forget about him.

  2. I agree with Ryan that it might not be the best thing for Obama to focus on Anti-trump support because more than anything our nation needs to become less divided than it is today. Especially towards the end of his presidency Obama has gained many supporters so I too would understand why Obama would want to stay as politically active as he can after his presidency.

  3. I think that currently the democrats are beside themselves as they thought that they had this election locked down. Now, what I feel is that Obama being brought into the fold of the democrats in Washington will help pull them together and then they can start to do whatever they can to block legislation that Trump wants going to through congress.

  4. I honestly feel like Obama outwardly opposing Trump and being so outspokenly anti-Trump is a horrible thing. Our country is already so divided and this election represents this. By splitting themselves into pro-Trump and anti-Trump groups, politicians set themselves up for even more divisions in the government. I didn't expect Obama to disappear but he should focus more on advocating for his ideas and beliefs instead of being anti-Trump. His heart may be in the right place, but his tone is going to annoy people.

    1. I don't think it's fair to say his tone is going to annoy people because you don't know what it will be for sure yet. You can assume, but Obama has always been a respectful political figure, and I doubt it will change much even when he's out of office.

  5. I do not think it is good that Obama is focusing on simply opposing Trump. This will only exacerbate the divisions in American government and make it harder to get things done. I understand that Obama wishes to remain politically active, but encouraging people to oppose the new president will probably not effect positive change.

  6. I personally don't really like this article because there isn't much evidence behind the heading "Once I leave office I'm probably going to help Democrats oppose Trump." This isn't a direct quote from Obama. Yes, his staff has said that he will be politically active and will advocate for causes that Trump will likely disapprove of, but he was only quoted in this article saying, “I’m going to be constrained in what I do with all of you until I am again a private citizen." This isn't an attack, this isn't some radical statement, and it's in no way disrespectful. I would expect Obama to be politically active-- just because he isn't president doesn't mean he shouldn't be politically active. Obama is too smart to simply attack Trump and fight Trump for the sake of opposing him; he's going to fight back against policies he feels are unjust and don't benefit the country. Any past president should continue to hold interest in the politics of our nation and act on their experience.

  7. I agree with the fact that Obama did not really attack Trump with his statement about staying politically active. From the reading and watching the news, I have seen Obama being welcoming to Trump and treating him with respect, regardless of his feelings towards Trump. Obama should stay politically active as he said and I am glad for the fact because he was a guy who many people liked and if he stays present in the media and in politics, it will be good for the people. Obama has the right to say that he is anti-Trump, but he has the professionalism to stay back, congratulate Trump, and make the transition as painless as possible, as he has been doing since Trump got elected.

  8. I really like that Obama would like to remain politically active after his presidency. A lot of people really support Obama, so it will be interesting to see what exactly he'll do when he leaves office. As Jordan said, it doesn't seem as though Obama really tried to attack Trump with that statement. Obama has been very welcoming and seemingly courteous to the Trumps thus far, and would like to make this a smooth transition for everyone.

  9. This is not surprising considering that Obama has always been outspoken against a Trump presidency. I hope that he is true to his word and remains in the public eye.

  10. I'm not surprised that President Obama still be an active member of the political scene, since Trump has been elected president. I think if Clinton were elected he might take a step back, but abandoned that plan when he realized Democrats needed some help. I don't think that it's inappropriate that after his presidency Obama will help Democrats work against Trump. As the article says, Obama will be "constrained" and working to facilitate a peaceful transition while still in office, but after that he is a private citizen and can do as he pleases.

  11. I believe that Obama will be respectful as always after his presidency and will work towards the betterment of Americans without acting purely out of spite. He has always handled difficult situations with grace and this should carry on into his life post presidency. He should not just focus on opposing trump but rather on a positive course of action.

  12. I am not surprised that Obama plans to remain politically active after this election. Even though Obama has always been respectful, I think he shouldn't focus on being Anti-Trump. This will create more divisions. I think Obama needs to focus on the things that he can change. He can no longer oppose Trump because he is the new president, however he can support things that will keeps peoples rights.

  13. With everything that has happened in the past few months, I'm not surprised that Obama is planning to remain politically active. America is deeply divided right now, and Obama's role in the political scene should be positive. Although he may be against Trump, I agree with Sarah and think that he should focus on the policies he can help to keep.

  14. I'm not surprised as Obama's attempts to oppose Trump within the party as best as possible. Frankly, I'm more suprised that he almost cordially welcomed him into the White House. I personally would have liked to see more oppostion from the Democrats and from Obama to Trump's presidency while still remaining professional.

  15. I'm not surprised by Obama's reaction to Trump's election; Obama has in the past been a strong force for the Democrats. I think that his actions are quite appropriate, as it is important for him to stand for what he believes in. However, he has still graciously helped Trump transition into office, which is a good step towards repairing America's divide and minimizing the damage done in the coming 4 years.

  16. I don't think his reaction is surprising or inappropriate at all; it's actually comforting to know that we'll still have Obama as an advocate even when he is no longer president. By peacefully passing on his seat to Trump, he is following our country's democratic principles, but by publicly holding true to his opinion, he is exercising his constitutional rights. It's not as though Obama opposing Trump is going to make our country divided; it's a little late for that one.

  17. I went into this article thinking that it was in support of Obama taking action against the Trump administration, but now I think the author is just begrudgingly reporting the fact that Trump may be adopting traditionally Democratic views. I don't know, his tone confused me. In any case, I'm somewhat surprised by Obama's (alleged) decision to stay active so soon after his term's end; I figured he would want a little while to himself, spend time with the family and what not. Instead of looking at him as an "ex-president," I think it's more representative to view Obama as what he is, which is still a "prominent member of the Democratic Party," and his actions are in line with those one would expect from someone in that position.


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