Wednesday, March 4, 2015

US Ambassador Attacked

United States Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert was recently attacked by an assailant by the name of "Kim." Lippert was attacked by a small razor blade  but is in stable condition. He was attacked prior to delivering a speech in Sejong Hall in Seoul, and the attacker was heard yelling about the reunification of South and North Korea before assaulting Lippert.


  1. Obviously, it's terrible that this act of violence was committed against an American. Fortunately, Lippert is in stable condition and did not suffer severe physical harm. This Kim guy needs to be brought to justice, especially given his history of inciting violence as a form of protest. I'm not sure why he wasn't jailed when he reportedly lit himself on fire, given law enforcement's knowledge of his violent tendencies. At the very least, Kim should be punished for acting in support of the rogue North Korean regime that constantly threatens America and the civilized, modern nation of South Korea.

  2. I agree with Matt. Fortunately, Lippert is okay. It could have been worse. "Kim", given his previous record should have had some kind of legal action put against him. Of course he should be bought to justice because he is a threat to the South Korean people.

  3. Thankfully, Mr. Lippert was not fatally injured. Like Aileen said "Kim" needs to be brought to justice. This guy is an idiot if he really thought killing the United States Ambassador to South Korea was going to reunite the two countries. What bothers me the most though is how North Korea refers to each cut as "knife slashes of justice". I really cannot wait until the day when the US stomps on North Korea like the little bug they are.

  4. If someone slashed a North Korean official, North Korea would declare war. I really do not know what America should do about the North as it under Kim Jong Un continues to become more and more crazed. The man who slashed the ambassador probably is one of the most anti-US feeling South Koreans, but the fact that any South Koreans resent the United States more so than they do North Korea is disturbing.

  5. I agree with Andy fully,there is a problem with both south and north korea and also the fact that some one was able to get that close to one of the U.S. embassadors is even more scary. I think that "Kim" should have been brought to justice and that our diplomatic ties should be watched more closely.

  6. I agree with Andy fully,there is a problem with both south and north korea and also the fact that some one was able to get that close to one of the U.S. embassadors is even more scary. I think that "Kim" should have been brought to justice and that our diplomatic ties should be watched more closely.

  7. Luckily, I don't think the actions of one assailant reflect the sentiments of the entire nation. The South Korean President condemned the actions of "Kim", which I believe shows that we shouldn't worry too much about North and South Korea re-unifying, which I think would be virtually impossible anyway considering the vast differences between the two nations. Still, I hope that "Kim" and any of their accomplices won't take any more serious actions against the ambassador.

  8. It's sad that North Korea's propaganda is so strong that people are moved to violence. Kim attacked Lippert to protest the fact that US and South Korean troops are doing military drills, which North Korea insists means that we are going to war. Investigators should prosecute Kim and find out who else he is associated with. I don't think this attack reflects what most South Koreans believe of the situation, though.

  9. This sounds like a case of misdirected anger. Though Kim is projecting his violence on our US South Korean Ambassador, the root of his problems seems to be the living conditions in North Korea. It is a shame that Lippert had to bare the brunt of an idiotic attack, but I am happy that he is well and able to continue to strengthen US and South Korean relations.

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  11. I would like to start by saying that there are crazy people in every country and one person certainly doesn't represent the feelings of all of either North Korea or South Korea. Also maybe since the United states helped to divide the north from the south, the north is angry cause they are jealous of the better living conditions in the south. Also Dan, I think you need to realize they are a country of people with a crazy leader who has exposed them to too much propaganda, not a "little bug."

  12. I agree with the majority of the comments above. Since there are such deplorable conditions in North Korea, I can (vaguely) understand that there can be pent up anger and with such an oppressive government, citizens can be unsure of where to place it so that real change can happen. It just goes to show how unstable the region can be when put under this kind of pressure. I don't think that the right approach is to "squish" North Korea as a country. I think they're a country like every other, but just under confused, inexperienced, and overly controlling power, which has caused some anxiety among its people. Another thing is, when you have unstable and reactive leadership, fighting it with direct violence can never end well.

  13. In reference to what everyone is saying about North Korea's mistreatment of its citizens, I think something should be done. Having the government that's in place continue its reign of poverty and self destruction is not beneficial to the world as a whole. As for "Kim" I think it was just something to get people talking. Although it was not right in any sense.

  14. I agree that North Korea mistreats its citizens and that these actions are somewhat caused by this. I understand the pent up anger but his actions were still ridiculous. Violence is never the best way to resolve an issue even if it seems like the only way. There should be legal action against him because a crime like that should not be justified.

  15. My best friend has lived in South Korea off and on for years, and they are an extremely modern and civilized nation. Though I am sure they would like to unify with their northern counterpart, at this point in time that's simply not realistic. North Korea is led by a maniac that will not consider unification with South Korea and feels resentful towards them as a nation. South Koreans fear North Korea and though many of them would like to see Kim Jong Un fall, it's not going to happen. I think the US needs to take action against North Korea because of their horrible violations of human rights and I sympathize with "Kim" but attacking a US Ambassador was definitely not the way to get our attention.


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