Wednesday, March 4, 2015

House Select Committee Demands Hillary Clinton's Emails

The House Select Committee on Benghazi has issued a subpoena asking for all of Hillary Clinton's emails that are related to Libya. The Committee is asking for all of Clinton's emails, as she used more than one personal email during her tenure as Secretary of State. Despite this, Clinton's lawyer says that her second email was not used until after she had left her post as Secretary of State. The Committee continues to demand both emails, saying that Clinton's use of personal emails raises issues on transparency.


  1. I think Clinton messed up. She should have known better to not use her personal email. She should have been using a government email address which would be on a secure server. With that being said, I don't think that it is unreasonable that the House Select Committee is demanding Clinton's emails. They have a reason to demand them because some of the emails probably contain sensitive material.

  2. Clinton really did make a big mistake here. She really has no excuses because she should have known better. As Aileen already stated, the House Select Committee have a perfectly good reason to demand to see Clinton's emails. That being said, since NSA already hacks everyone's emails I don't think it is going to be too hard for them to see the emails.

  3. The key to this scandal, and the most damning detail of it for Hillary, is the fact that Hillary is still the only one who can access her emails, and she continues to withhold many (if not most) of them from the State Dept. and the Benghazi Select Committee. She set up a private server (@clintonemail) that enables her to be the exclusive arbiter of her own emails. That seems incredibly suspicious. If she had nothing to hide from her tenure as Sec. of State, why is she refusing to release the emails containing potentially incriminating information that could compromise her presidential aspirations, and why did she set up a secret server in the first place, instead of obeying the law and using her publicly disclosed government email? When she was asked by the State Dept. to produce her emails, she only produced 55,000, which means she would average about 38 received per day during her tenure as Sec. of State - an implausibly low number for one of the highest ranking officials in the entire federal government, who heads a department that employs almost 70,000 people. Based on those skewed numbers and the fact that Rep. Gowdy has stated that there were major gaps in her email records, especially concerning the Benghazi coverup, it's obvious that she deleted tens of thousands of emails, and is not only lying to the committee, but refusing to cooperate with a federal investigation, which is also illegal.

  4. I don't understand why Clinton would use a private email for her job, rather than the secure one provided to her. It is understandable to use a personal email for personal matters, but when it comes to the topic of emails that are in correlation with her job, she should have used the email given to her. Especially since her job is so centered in the public eye. I think the scandal will eventually blow over if Clinton continues to cooperate, but I do think this will scar her possible campaign run in 2016.

  5. The only reason Hillary Clinton would use a personal email account for official business would be to hide things, probably in anticipation of her 2016 presidential run. The fact that she went to the length to have a server installed in her home to run the email account shows that this was not matter of "convenience." Her actions were in gross disregard of the Open Records Act and Freedom of Information Act that require correspondence to be preserved. I really hope this comes to hurt Hillary in her White House ambitions as the last thing America needs is a president with even less transparency than usual.

  6. It seems that Clinton made a mistake. If you are going to be doing governmental action, use the email that the government gave you. There are specific standards to conduct yourself in the governmental position and I don't think that Hilary lived up to those. It is not unreasonable for the committee to ask her for the email and in her case it is best to just do it.

  7. It seems that there was a miscommunication between Clinton and the State Department regarding protocol. Yes I do believe that Clinton made a mistake, and that it is important to have transparency when foreign affairs are involved; however, this error is forgivable. The timing of this scandal does seem somewhat suspicious, but Clinton handled it in the best way possible.

  8. With a mistake like this, the best thing for Clinton to do would have been to clear the air immediately and comply with all parts of the investigation. However, it sounds like she is still trying to cover up and save emails, providing a lot of confusion that isn't needed. At first I didn't think an email scandal would hurt Clinton's chances at a run forthr presidency, but since this has dragged on for so long I think it could.

  9. I agree that Clinton messed up, and she should have known better than to use her private email for work. Due to the sensitivity of some of the work she does, she should have been using her secured government email. It is due to this sensitive material that I think that the committee is completely justified in demanding to see her other emails. I think it is best that Clinton just comply. If she drags this out any longer, it could potentially hurt her presidential campaign.

  10. Although I don't think she should have used a non government email, one plausible explaination for why she would want to have her own server is to avoid people outside the government from viewing her emails. I think this scandal will make it more difficult for her to win the presidency, but, honestly, I think she still has a good shot.

  11. Obviously it was a huge mistake of Clinton to use any sort of personal account for official government business or to use it to send any emails that would send any kind of sensitive information. I don't defend her when I say that I don't think she should have to give over all of the emails. Her position in the government, with so many international relations, is very sensitive and I think it would be better to not have complete transparency than, say, ruin a relationship with another country.

  12. There's not really much to say here besides that someone who is in possession of classified and sensitive information shouldn't be using personal email accounts that easily could be compromised. It raises questions about her transparency and also about her common sense,

  13. I agree that It was a bad idea for Hilary Clinton to use her personal email. It may have been an oversight on her part, or it may have been an attempt to conceal what she was doing. Either way, the damage is done and this will definitely affect how people will view her if she still decides to run in the presidential election, and this will probably hurt her chances of winning.

  14. This was stupid of Hilary Clinton. I'm not sure how using a personal email for a government job ever seemed like a good idea. It won't be hard to access the emails so it's not the end of the world at least for me. Personally this won't affect too much how I see her but I'm sure it will influence some people's decisions.

  15. The only chance Hilary Clinton has of saving face in this scandal is to surrender the email accounts and their contents. She is playing this ordeal off as though it were a silly mistake, but her withholding the emails makes me think she deliberately is hiding these emails and that she has done something worse than just using the wrong email. It's a question of trust and security, and this will definitely hurt her in the presidential election. I, for one, can say that I'm not comfortable giving her my vote.


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