Monday, January 5, 2015

Seven Years In, Reporter Says Little to Court

Seven YeRs In, Reporter says Little to Court Seven years ago, James Risen wrote a book detailing a failed CIA program that would attempt to slow down Iran's nuclear program. The court believes that Jeffrey Sterling provided the information, but Risen refuses to admit the sources for his information. Risen fought his court summons and los, but he still is against revealing information to the government. This is one instance of the crackdown the Obama administration has taken in regards to leaked information. Is Risen right in refusing to reveal his sources?


  1. Mr. Risen believes that, without the press, our nation's citizens would know hardly anything about what has really happened, because government officials would hide the information regarding important events, deeming its contents a matter of national security. This is true. Officials may have good reasons for concealing information, but if they are allowed to do so indefinitely, then there is a serious lack of accountability in our system. Mr. Risen is performing his role as a journalist, checking the government's power to conceal things. He wants to continue to support this kind of journalism, and so he refuses to reveal his sources. That makes sense to me.

  2. Risen's assertion that the public would know little about the controversies involving the US response to 9/11 and terrorism is correct, and I applaud his efforts to maintain an journalistic atmosphere where reporters do not have to disclose their sources. I hope that Eric Holder upholds his promise not to jail journalists, and that Risen can successfully keep his source secret without being punished.

  3. Risen is only exercising his right to freedom of speech and press. As a writer he is protected by shield laws and had every right to release this information about the CIA. The government shouldn't be aloud to bypass these laws either. In this case, Risen is performing his duty as a "watchdog". He is holding government officials accountable and exposing corruption. I applaud Risen for still not giving up his source after seven long years.

  4. Risen is within his rights to reveal the information and it is important that our nations citizens know what is happening in our country. I do understand why the CIA wants to know the source because the source would prove to be unloyal. At the same time Risen does not need to give up his source and should never have to. He is again within his rights and is protected.

  5. Risen is doing what any informed citizen would do. It is his right to freedom of speech and he is protected by shield laws and does not need to reveal his sources. It seems odd that the CIA would require this information from him as they cant violate his rights. Risen is performing his duty just as the woman in the movie that we watched had done.

  6. II believe what Risen is doing is his right. He is allowed to not give his source. LIke Dan, I too applaud Risen for not giving in. He should be allowed to write without giving his source out. With the government not wanting their citizens to know what is actually happening, we need people like Risen to give the public the full story.

  7. I think that Mr. Risen is doing the right thing by refusing to reveal his sources. While it is true that in some cases the government should know the identities of those who provide information that is harmful to national security, I do not believe that this is one of those cases. Risen has the right to publish this information, and he also has the right to keep his sources confidential since the information the source revealed is not putting anyone in immediate danger. I also admire that Risen is attempting to educate the public, as I believe that it is true that if the press did not take the steps to reveal confidential information, the public would not know much.

  8. Risen should not be forced to reveal his source, and it is commendable that he has withheld it for so long, given the intense pressure and bullying from Eric Holder and company. Eric Holder's Orwellian efforts to intimidate this journalist, and the Fox News reporter, both of whom were simply doing their jobs by keeping the government accountable, are disturbing, but not surprising. Historically, Holder has demonstrated contempt for anyone who challenges him politically, and he uses his position as Attorney General to punish these dissenters. It's encouraging to see Risen exercise his right to freedom of the press to expose some of the corruption that currently plagues Washington.

  9. Risen shouldn't have to reveal his sources to the CIA. There is no threat that he poses to the American people or government by protecting his source, so there should be no push for him from the government to tell the CIA anything. As a journalist, he has the right to keep his sources secret both because it is a fundamental right he has as a writer and because his livelihood depends on his ability to keep a sense of privacy.

  10. I agree with Alexa that Risen should not have to reveal his sources. By setting the precedent that these journalists must reveal these sources, those who have information will not speak to reporters. Therefore, we would not have access to neither the sources nor the information. Only in scenarios of dire national security should sources be revealed.

  11. This reminds me of the movie we watched, but anyway I agree with the protection of the shield laws except in cases that involve national security because I'd rather one person go to jail that a whole country be unsafe. This case I believe doesn't apply to this and he should be allowed to keep his source confidential.

  12. I think that Risen is just in not telling his sources. He is protected under shield laws, therefore, he doesn't have to reveal his sources. If all journalists had to tell their sources, then journalism would become almost a joke. Readers would never get the full story since sources want to be protected in most situations. I applaud Risen for staying strong against the CIA and not revealing his sources.

  13. I believe that if it is a question of national security, journalists should have to reveal their sources, otherwise journalist should be protected to keep their sources secret. Since it was a failed operation and not an issue of safety, I think Risen has the right to with hold his source.


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