Tuesday, March 18, 2014

White House to begin Obamacare March Madness Monday

President Obama and his administration has a new promotion for Obamacare to grab hold of the "young invincibles." A March Madness themed string of registration reminders, suggestions, and celebrity player influence is about to hit the screens. Through ESPN's broadcasting, and Facebook and Twitter pages of Whitehouse.gov and basketball players like Lebron James, Obamacare is encouraging young adults and others to get coverage.


  1. I truly hope that the President will not be able to sell the disaster Obamacare is through some simple marking campaign. The American people (namely young people, who the campaign targets) are not stupid and they, after years of listening to the arguments for and against Obamacare, have still remained steadfastly opposed to it. There has been a consistent majority (since the bill’s proposal) of Americans that have not approved of the law. Based on this notion, should Congress not respond to the American people’s wishes and end this disaster before it becomes entrenched?

  2. Unlike Andrew, I do think the American people, especially young people, are generally stupid and are more likely to feed into marketing ploys than know the ins and outs of Obamacare. I think this marketing campaign takes advantage of a huge opportunity and will work. To respond to Andrew's claim, I'm willing to bet that the majority of the people who are "steadfastly opposed" to Obamacare are opposed to it because they are opposed to the Obama administration and everything that comes out of it. I guarantee not everybody fully understands Obamacare. Just the other day, a classmate vehemently denounced Obamacare. I asked her why and she had no response.

  3. Personally, I applaud the Obama administration for reaching out directly to the young men (and women) who may or may not have health insurance. I think this is a genius marketing plan for ObamaCare. And, regardless of how you feel about the actual plan, you have to admit that this is a much better plan than the earlier "Brosurance." Even though this is basically a large marketing ploy for the government, I applaud their efforts to reach out to a specific consumer and hope it results in more insured people.

  4. I think that incorporating March Madness into Obamacare is a brilliant idea to reach out to younger people. All I've been hearing about lately is March Madness and the Obama administration made a genius move adding promotions having to do with it. I've seen the commercials and YouTube ads and although I couldn't care less about basketball, I can imagine that getting the big names like Lebron James will go very far.

  5. I think it's a good thing for Obama to incorporate March Madness into Obamacare registrations and I think it will be relatively effective in getting more sign-ups. What annoyes me most about this entire debate is hearing middle/upper class individuals with a strong oppostion entitlement programs complain about how these programs are useless when they themselves don't understand what it's like to be dependent on enetitlement programs. And if they argue that such programs aren't worth their money, then I would like to remind them, that, like in busness, investment is a huge part of building a country. Supporting and paying for these programs is like investing in their country. And if they argue that they should have the right to obstain from paying for them, then I would argue that these program affect the entire country, including people who they meet and keep their lives normal -- like perhaps their grocery store cashier, or the guy who mows his lawn, therefore they don't have the right to obstain from paying for them, otherwise they would be free-riders, taking advantage of the program without paying for it.

  6. I may be completely against Obama care, but their marketing strategy was pretty good here. Almost everyone watches March Madness. This will definitely expose obama care to younger people.

  7. I have been watching a lot of March Madness the last couple of days, and I have seen several of these commercials air. Not only do some of the commercials have current stars like Lebron James talking about Obamacare, but other versions of the commercial have older stars like Magic Johnson. I think this is a great way to connect with younger citizens and sports fans in general. When Lebron James speaks, people listen, and I definitely think that this campaign will improve sign-up numbers.

  8. I agree that there is a bit of genius behind the idea of using march madness to sell obamacare. Celebrities are viewed by many to be credible, and trustworthy people; they have the ability to influence many people, even though some should not. I have not yet formulated my own opinion of obamacare, but i do applaud the obama administration on finding a way to reach the younger generation and using it to their advantage.

  9. I like how Obamacare is using March Madness to help campaign. If I'm flipping through channels and/or watching one of the basketball games, I would be more inclined to listen to a familiar voice speaking about this new health insurance rather than some boring old guy. Whether you support Obamacare or not, this campaign was a strategic idea. Back to Olivia's point, I would agree that a lot of American people aren't in touch with the government and I guess in a way, stupid. To be quit honest, even though I am in this government class I still find myself dazed and confused often. Obamacare's outreach to the citizens through March Madness was a great idea.

  10. Although Obamacare ads have been on tv and elsewhere before this point, I think this campaign should be more successful with many people because it features people they recognize. When seeing other ads, people may zone out, but they might listen to something that is told by a famous person. Also as the article said, many people look to see what the president's bracket is, so incorporating healthcare into that is a very smart idea.

  11. Whether or not you support Obamacare, using March Madness seems like a good strategy on Obama's part. In my opinion, the concept of the Affordable Care Act has been unfairly bashed in many news media nearly relentlessly since the idea of universal health care was brought up years ago. Although it's somewhat late, it's good to see the Obama administration using this opportunity to promote its policy in a way that benefits the American people (by getting them to sign up for health insurance).


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