Monday, March 24, 2014

Romney makes a role for himself

Romney makes a role for himself

In the light of recent events, former Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is proving himself to be more relevant than some might have predicted. He has been receiving a lot of attention over the past week after the events in Russia seem to have vindicated him and his assertion that Russia was the United States' "number one geopolitical foe." Some have projected that he is the "elder statesman" of the Republican Party. Others, however, contend that he "only served one term as governor of Massachusetts." Some have even said that Romney "could easily be seen as a senior figure in a future Republican administration and a future GOP president would be wise to seek his counsel and consider him for such a post."

While I do have my disagreements with Mitt Romney, I have an overwhelmingly positive opinion of him. I like his position as "elder statesman" because, as Alice Stewart noted, "Governor Romney knows more than any other Republican what it means to take on President Obama and his failed policies."


  1. I don't really feel strongly about Romney either way, especially now that he holds no position in the government. However, I do find it a bit annoying that he is getting credit just for being paranoid about Russia during the election season. No one could have foreseen the events of the past few weeks, and I think Romney just got lucky with the country he picked to be our "next big threat." Whatever my opinions, I can definitely see him becoming a key figure in the Republican Party, somewhat like Bill Clinton is for the Democrats.

  2. Romney will definitely be a major Republican figure over the course of the next few years. I agree with Emily. Romney made one good prediction and now people are rallying behind him. Anyway, Romney is smart, I'll give him that. If he has what it takes to do good for this country then power to him.

  3. I agree with both Emily and Olivia that Romney will be a key figure for the Republican Party in the upcoming years. I also agree that Romney just got lucky in choosing Russia as our next major threat. If anyone off of the street was given a choice of the superpowers in the world to be our next threat, plenty of them could've chosen Russia just like Romney did. I don't agree with the people who are idolizing Romney because he "predicted the future".

  4. I agree with Emily and Olivia as well; Romney can and probably will be a significant figure in the republican party. Other future republican nominees can learn from what he did right and wrong in his attempt to become president. Behind his prediction concerning Russia, I believe it is part luck but also part insight. Romney is a senior member of the republican party--i.e. the elder statesmen--and has the experience to know these sort of things. In my opinion, it would be a bad move for the republican party to not put Romney in a position of power.

  5. Like I said in a previous post, I think for people like Mitt Romney, who lost the presidential election, it's really easy to say "oh, the president did this wrong" and "I would've done this" and "he was idiotic to think that would work", blah, blah, blah. I think it's very important to remember, whether the president is a Democrat or a Republican, they know a lot more situations than we do and we, as outsiders, including Mitt Romney, have no idea the complexities of political situations and don't reslly have a right to criticize. On a different note, I also think it's a good idea for Republicans to use Mitt Romney's name to their advantage because he's still relevent.

  6. I can see Romney holding a powerful role in Republican politics for some time. I'm not sure what actual position he will hold, if any, but I agree that Republican leaders will continue to be influenced by him in the future. He tends not to appeal to the public as well as some other politicians, lacking charisma. This is probably one of the reasons he won't run in 2016. I don't like many of Romney's opinions, but I appreciate that he's a relatively moderate voice in the Republican party.

  7. I'm not really sure about my opinion on Mitt Romney. I agree with the people above who said that his "foreseen future" of Russia being a threat was a mix of luck and his own insight from his experience. Emily E. made a great point that no one really has the grounds to say what they would have done better as president. People, like Mitt Romney, are really just talking out their butts because they have no idea what the president actually has to deal with behind closed doors.

  8. I can see Romney holding a spot in Republican lime light, but not for much longer. Soon fire is going to build behind the next presidential candidate because of the polarization "us and them" mentality. Like the Emilys said, he is in no position to give criticism on how he would've done a better job.


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