Monday, May 13, 2013

Youtube's New Subscription idea?

The article talks about how YouTube came out with the idea to make 30 or so channels (for now!) make users pay .99 cents up to $7.99 a month in order to view their videos. Many of the YouTube creators think this is a great way for channels to get money. They have also included a "14 day free-trial" so a user can decide on whether or not to pay for it.

I honestly don't like this idea, not only because of the money; but it's unfair. The people of the world made YouTube and now since Google took it over, they want us to pay for something we made? I can understand certain channels that would want their videos to be paid for, but those videos shouldn't be on YouTube then. I also believe that many teachers use YouTube for educational purposes. What happens when all the channels end up having to be paid for for the subscriptions and the school district doesn't want to waste the money? There goes a good, fun education for the students. Lastly, Google will probably end up doing what Apple did (if not already doing it) and will raise the price per subscription.

What do you guys think?


  1. Charging for Youtube is absurd. All anyone ever wants to do is take someone else's money. Youtube is used in some many positive ways but teachers and employers that charging for it will only causes more financial stress on those institutions.

  2. I also agree that charging for youtube is an absurb idea. I see how it could be positive for youtube itself by getting profits, but it has downsides. Teachers use youtube for educational purposes and I agree with Amanda that it could cause financial stress.

  3. I completely agree with Shannon and Amanda. There should absolutely be no charge to watch youtube videos. That's ridiculous! So many people use youtube for so many different reasons. It would ba a mistae on their part to charge people because there would definitely be fewer youtube viewers and users.


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