Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Romney slams Obama, Clinton for foreign policy 'failure'

Republican Mitt Romney (Governor-MA) is blaming the Ukraine crisis and other foreign policy issues on President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. What are your thoughts?



  1. It is an incredibly unfortunate development that Romney did in fact turn out to be right. While I find this unsurprising, it comes as a great surprise to many, who, were convinced by the President’s campaign that Romney’s beliefs are outdated and hawkish. Rather, it is clear that the President is either naïve, dishonest, or both (I contend that he is both). I find it terribly difficult for the President of the United States to be completely oblivious to the identify of our friends and enemies. It is a great tragedy that the statements that secured Obama’s re-election are the very ones that have proven most incorrect.

  2. It's easy for anybody to use the Ukraine-Russia crisis to blame the president for all of our problems. This is Romney's version of "I told you so." As for Obama's current course of action, I think he should listen to Ron Paul. Foreign policy has not been Obama's strong suit and I think the best option is to stay out of Ukraine. Let another country take the reigns on this one and tentatively offer help later on.

  3. Romney is definite playing the role of sore loser with his op-ed piece. It's definitely not fair to blame Obama for what's going on in Russia and Ukraine. It's not like Obama could've foreseen any of that. Additionally, I agree yet disagree with Ron Paul - on the one hand, why should we care whose flag some tiny island raises. On the other, if we allow this to happen with no consequences, aren't we setting a potentially dangerous precedent?

  4. I don't really think Mitt Romney is any position to criticize Barack Obama considering he has no more information than the general public does and perhaps some rumors circling within the political elite. Obviously, like everyone all over the world, he is entitled to his opinion and will have one based on what what the press has been reporting, but that doesn't mean his opinion is somehow more credible. I think the very tricky questions that the President has to try anticipate the answer to are, what will Russia do if we relax our grip? If the West backs off now, will the be perceived as weak? Will Russia continue their expansion? If backing-off turns out to be the incorrect move, it could potentially lead to a more catastrophic event than what it could lead to at this stage. Remember, both WWI and WWII happened because the western countries twiddled their thumbs and waited, watching Germany first invade other countries, and later standing by as Germany ignored the Treaty of Versailles and invade Austria and Poland.

  5. I think Romney was alitlle out of line because he doesnt know anything more than the general public. However, the man was right. And i think its funny how everyone was shocked when this happend. The Democratic Party almost laughed at him when he predicted this Putin situation. Now he is the one laughing and i find it to be very ironicly funnny.

  6. It seems Romney is still sore from his defeat in the Presidential election. It's easy to place the blame on the President, but that doesn't mean that the President is at fault here. Putin is the one who has invaded Crimea, not President Obama. President Obama did not encourage Putin to do what he did. Putin is the one to blame. Instead of insulting each other, maybe everyone should be more focused on solutions to the problem at hand.

  7. I find it absolutely hilarious that Romney is blaming what is happening in Russia on President Obama and Hillary Clinton. He had a hunch about what might happen, he did not come out and say exactly what Putin was about to do. Romney is speaking like some sort of God-like figure as though he is above Obama and Clinton because he mentioned something a while ago. I agree with Emily M. When it comes to Ron Paul. We shouldn't care what flag is put up on an island on the other side of the world from us, but should we simply let it happen without consequences?

  8. I think is quite immature of Romney to be pulling this "I told you so" charade. As someone who was almost our president, he should be above this. He claims to care about this country, yet chooses to focus on bashing Obama instead

  9. of even attempting to help. Again, I feel torn when it comes to our involvement in foreign affairs such as this one. I do not find Obama or mrs. Clinton to be at fault here either.

  10. Romney's op-ed seems, as Olivia said, too much like an "I told you so." The article doesn't mention whether Romney suggested any specific courses of action for dealing with for dealing with Russia. It sounds like he just wants to take the opportunity to criticize Obama and Clinton, probably at least a little bit for political reasons. His rhetoric as presented in the article is, as we've come to expect, very generic and noncommittal. Personally, I don't think strong action is the way to deal witht the current crisis. It might be inevitable at this point that Crimea becomes part of Russia, so our best course of action now might be to ensure that minorities in Crimea (those loyal to Ukraine) are protected from Russian majorities and/or given opportunities either to move.

  11. I think Romney is just being a sore loser. Dan makes a great point that Obama did not encourage Putin to invade Crimea. Obama cannot be blamed for what is happening with Russia and the Ukraine. Romney can say what he wants, but he just looks like an even bigger loser than he already is. I also feel like the United States should stay out of this issue. We aren't even completely out of Afghanistan yet so I don't think we are ready to get involved in another mess this big.

  12. I think Romney is taking advantage of a situation where he can clearly say he was right and take advantage of a inflammatory issue. I do agree we are past the point of going into the region, but I also don't believe we had to. On the comments made by Ron Paul, I agree with Emily. We cannot allow Putin to break international law with not consequence. So basically I didn't agree with either of the men mentioned in the article.


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