Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hillary Clinton: It’s up to Putin whether there’s 'another Cold War'

With tensions mounting in western Europe there has been speculation that if things were to escalate, the United States and Russia could slip into a second cold war. Clinton, as the title says, has put the responsibility on Putin to decide whether or not he wants another cold war. What are your thoughts?



  1. It drives me absolutely insane how Hilary Clinton advocates European “independence,” but does not assert United States leadership in the matter. If we truly wanted to see an independent Europe, we would surely sell Europe our natural gas. It is a sad development that only further suggests the fall of the United States as the leader of the free world. I do not think the question is whether or not there will be another cold war; the question is whether the United States will rise to the occasion and lead the world out of the darkness and into the light that is liberty. Should we fail, we shall face “a thousand years of darkness.”

  2. I think too many people are disillusioned about the greatness of the United States. We aren't talking about a comic book where the US is the supposed hero, fighting to save the world. The world is not dark and the United States is not some guardian angel that will lead the world into the promised land. The failure of the US to act does not mean the end of the world. As for Hillary's claims, I think what is to come is worse than the Cold War. A World War III is more likely as many European countries will be involved because of their energy dependence on Russia and of course their geological proximity to Ukraine and Russia. The next couple of months will be trying times and, although unlikely, I hope this matter will be resolved quickly and without much fuss.

  3. I agree with Olivia. If this scenario gets any worse, or the US gets even more involved, we are looking at something much bigger than a second Cold War. It is not outside the realm of possibility that the world could very quickly find itself in a world war three. World War One began with the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Whose to say world war three couldn't begin with the annexation of Crimea?

  4. I agree and disagree with Hillary Clinton. I think all the countries involved have a hand in determining whether this results in a second Cold War. The US can perfectly well decide that Russia isn't our problem and step back. Of course, we aren't going to do that, which is why I agree with Hillary Clinton. America, even if we want to, isn't going to back down ifnthe time comes, which is why Putin must decide whether he will force America's hand or not. Only time will tell whether this will be another Cold War, but I think Clinton's time would be better spent, rather than putting all the responsibility on Russia, in finding ways to avoid another Cold War.

  5. Every articles point of view recently is that it's the duty of the US to fix this whole mess, which is 100% untrue. It's imperative that European countries find alternative options to the resources that they are currently receiving from Russia. I agree with a great deal of Hillary Clinton's opinions, especially that Russia's immense power over many European countries needs to be ended. The independence of those countries may be a big factor to the prevention of a potential second Cold War or World War III.

  6. I really hope we can avoid a third World War. I like this quote from Albert Einstein, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." This quote speaks the truth, as a third World War would surely be devastating and could potentially mean the end of humanity. That might sound dramatic, but with the technology we possess today it is not out of the question. For the sake of future generations, the world needs to strive for peace and understanding. What kind of world will our children inherit?

  7. I think it's clear that everyone wants to avoid another world war. I strongly agree with Emily that we should be more focused on the prevention of this war. I just hope that the US can take the right course of action to keep tensions very low.

  8. I don't think Clinton is as willing as she sounds to let the U.S. and Russia enter "another Cold War." It sounds more like she's trying to show Putin that the United States is not going to let itself be pushed over in cases like this. Putin seems very, very stubborn, though and I'm not confident that he has the best interest of his country in mind. He is power-hungry and is acting more and more like a dictator. The world is different now from when the dictators we learn about in history class ruled, and we might be able to take different strategies. For example, we might be able to appeal to the Russian people themselves to see if they can influence Putin not to take so aggressive international action against other countries that could lead to disastrous conflict.

  9. I agree with Ally. It should not be the United States' job to be the police of the world. Europe needs to get itself together and fight their own battles because we have our own issues. Although I don't want us to get involved, I know we will be eventually. When has America ever just sat back and done nothing? I just hope that this will not be the "second Cold War" or "world war III" like everyone is saying.

  10. I agree with Hillary on the statement that European countries need to become more independent of Russia to show them who holds the power, and that there are consequences to the actions Putin has taken. I also agree that right now is a time of critical decisions for the large Western nations. Where I start to see issues is when Clinton uses blanket issues with no resolutions. for example, we need to do more to support Ukraine. What does she want us to do? I think we still need to keep some distance from this conflict, I think going into the country will help.


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