Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Republican chairman predicts "tsunami" election in 2014

As primaries are starting for the 2014 elections, Republican chairman Reince Priebus stated that he feels that Republicans will enjoy a large amount of success in elections this year, largely because of all the issues and problems associated with the launching of Obamacare and the Healthcare.gov website. On the other hand, Democrats just feel that Republicans are simply one year older and that they have not changed a bit.


  1. A "tsunami election" seems really strong to me. I understand the Priebus thinks there will be a lot of victories for Republicans, but I think he might be viewing women and young voters wrong. I don't think that Obamacare will sway people to vote one way or another. I think those who are moderate and received coverage will vote Democrat and those who are moderate and found large faults with Obamacare will vote Republican, but I'm not sure that it will be a huge majority one way or the other.

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  3. I am definitely curious to see what impact Obamacare will exactly have on these primary elections. I think that it will have some sort of an effect, whether positive or negative, but I don't think it will cause a "tsunami" of votes either way. This article shows that as these elections are getting closer and closer, both Republicans and Democrats are more extreme with the ways they are campaigning against each other. I think the fact that Priebus said "Obamacare is intentionally designed to screw young people over" is a good example of this.

  4. Of course, health care is a pivotal issue in U.S politics today, but to use the phrase “tsunami election” is pushing it. Priebus claims that Obamacare is “designed to screw young people over,” but even with the Republican attacks on the plan, many people don't see it that way. Although Obamacare is very controversial, I doubt that this one topic has the ability to completely change the tide of an election by a landslide.

  5. There are always people who complain about the "mess" in Washington. And like we talked about earlier in the year, many people's votes change depending on how the government did. If, in the eyes of the voter, they do a poor job governing then they sometimes switch their vote to try and see change. Even if people are upset with the mess in Washington, they will probably just want a new representative from the same party. The American public tends to be moderate, but they lean right or left, and obviously have a party identification. I don't agree with a "tsunami" of votes for the Republican Party. Maybe just a slightly larger than normal wave of Republican voters.

  6. I think Priebus is just trying to show confidence in his party by calling 2014 a "tsunami" election. He's just trying to stir up republican support. As far as what he had to say I don't think obamacare is a poisonous issue for democrats. Sure it started off slow with all the technical problems, but since then it's been gaining momentum. Priebus acts like Americans are fed up with the democrats, but in reality we're fed up with both parties. This was obviously shown when Obama was re-elected in 2012. For the republicans to win over America they're going to have to change their finger-pointing ways and start looking at themselves.

  7. To say that this will be a "tsunami election" is a ver bold statement. To win by such a large majority is no easy task. I'm sure Obamacare will be a major part of this upcoming election but to say it will cause a tsunami just is not true. It has the possibility of acquiring a lot of moderate vote, but I do not believe to the point of a tsunami. Priebus just wants to exude confidence. I do not think it will actually happen. There are so many voters that are going to keep voting democrat regardless of most political situations. Women and younger college age kids for example.

  8. I totally disagree that we will be seeings "tsunami election." Priebus has a valid argument; there have been problems with the launching of Obamacare. With that said, now that the program is somewhat underway, we could see positive outcomes very soon. Also, I agree with the Democrats that the Republican party has not changed in years. The only change they have had is the outspoken Tea Party, which is not a positive change, and could end up hurting them in the 2014 election. It will be interesting and controversial to see if Preibus' prediction is correct, but I doubt it will be.

  9. This bold statement made by Priebus seems to be designed to stir up support and belief in his party. He wants to sound confident in the actions of the GOP and "rally his troops" as a leader of the Republican Party. I don't believe that Priebus's statement will be proven true unless the Republicans gain more support from the middle class. Even with Obamacare off to a rocky start, I'm not sure if Priebus himself even believes in a "tsunami election."

  10. If Priebus continues to make false blanket statements like, "Actuaries sat down, decided, let's just screw over everyone 35 and younger. That's what they did." then he is only helping to undermine his prediction of a tsunami election. While Obamacare did have a rocky start the program is now under way and has successfully insured many Americans that otherwise would not have had coverage. Not to mention Republicans have unsuccessfully tried to repeal it fifty times... Maybe if they spent more time actually trying to appeal to voting groups such as women, young people, and minorities, instead of wasting time trying to get rid of a law that has already been upheld by the Supreme Court then they might see some more success in future elections.

  11. The Obamacare situation back in the fall has already blown over for the most-part. The only reason that the topic is coming back up in the news in a negative light is that members of the GOP are criticizing President Obama's ability to meet the upcoming deadline to sign up for Obamacare. Saying that a "tsunami election" is on the way for the Republican Party is wishful thinking. I think that the GOP will gain seats in the house and Senate, but implying that it is the GOP's time to take back Washington is a bold statement.

  12. I would agree with Lydia. There will be no "Tsunami Election." I think that the Republican Party has moved much too far right for the moderate American voter. For this reason I do no believe that there will be anything close to a Tsunami. The Republican may win some seats, but people are getting over Obamacare lash back, and the anger from Obamcare seems to be dissipating. I don't know that there will be much change at all in the 2014 election. Things seem to be looking up. There has recently been some progress in congress, and I think that people are happier.

  13. I don't think Obamacare has really changed many minds. I think most people who don't support Obamacare would probably have already voted for Republicans and vice versa. But on the other hand the republican's government shutdown last year seems like something which could have changed the minds of people who would have voted republican. But we'll have to wait and see.


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