Monday, March 31, 2014

Little Time Left To Turn Down the World's Heat

With the crises in Ukraine and Russia and elections coming, people tend to forget about the warming climate and how it's a major problem. This article tells of how the UN recently spoke out and claimed  that the next century to come will be hotter and drier, thanks to the poor decisions we have made in the past and now. The article also discusses frightening possibilities of how we are not prepared for these changes and how it may be extremely expensive to combat them all. It was also pointed out how the poor, as usual, will be hurt the most from the climate change because their crops may be unable to grow and food prices may rise. What can we do to better address this problem? Is it too late?


  1. The key phrase in the UN's climate report was "irreversible effects." If this story is to catch fire in the media, it will be because of the warning of permanent damage in our atmosphere due to our Carbon emissions. Although, even with that 1000 page report with grave warnings from the input of over 1000 scientists from all over the world, I'm not sure if this story will prevail over hot topics such as Ukraine, Middle East negotiations, and Obamacare.

  2. This was pretty scary. Like Josh and probably a lot of people, I don't really think that this will get much attention, which is sad, until it's too late. I don't want to be cynical, but I really think this won't be taken seriously until the effects are severe, at which point severe and expensive changes will be necessary.

  3. This is something that people are definitely unaware of. I know it never would have crossed my mind. It's scary to think about this. This issue is one I think should reach the public because it will affect us all. Also I agree with Dean, this issue most likely wont be taken seriously until it's too late. Hopefully attention is brought to it, though.

  4. The fact that "we are not prepared for the climate-related risks that we already face" really worries me. I think this topic is one that people put off in their minds because they think it's not happening at this very moment, but it is, and it's greatly affecting us. I really hope that these warnings and media stories will make people realize this fact, so that everyone can work on commitments to decrease carbon commission.

  5. I think that this is an issue that needs to be taken very seriously. This is an issue bigger than Obamacare or Immigration, it is our world. Although I would personally be supportive of measures to combat climate change, I do not think that the majority of people will be on board until it is too late. I can understand why. It is hard to argue that we should stop climate change (an issue that pertains to the future) when we have a national debt of over three trillion dollars and many unemployed Americans (issue happening now). I think that there needs to be education about recycling and climate change in elementary schools if we want to see any real changes.

  6. We have know the warming climate has been a serious problem for many years and have failed to do anything about it, so I doubt the UNs recent statements will cause any change in people's choices concerning the environment. Because climate change is a slow process and it is hard to recognize drastic changes,we choose and will probably continue to choose to avoid the issue until we have no choice.

  7. This article bluntly stated that we are nearing a cross roads that has the potential to destroy our planet for future generations. Through our blind waste of our natural resources we have created a situation that will be "irreversible" unless nations take the initiative to listen to the UN's constant warnings about the climate change that will have substantial consequences on the way that we live. It is honestly quite scary that we've dragged ourselves into a situation like this and I hope that we can stop before it is to late.

  8. I love when the earth and how we are affecting it comes into the news because it is an issue that I feel strongly about. It baffles me that it is not a huge topic that everyone is aware of because it affects everyone and everyone has something they can do to slow down global warming. The article very obviously stated that we need to do something and yet I see people not recycling their lunch bottles or littering and it can begin as simply as making those slight changes in your everyday lives.

  9. Climate change is an issue that all too commonly gets pushed aside due to issues that are affecting us today but this article helps to show people that we are already seeing the negative impacts of it in our daily lives which will only continue to get worse if nothing is done about it. This is a very serious issue that I feel strongly about and hope starts to get a lot more attention on the international level very soon. Like the article said, if drastic action is not taken soon the effects will start to become irreversible and have long-lasting effects through future generations.

  10. How many of these articles are we going to need to be written until we can all agree that something has to be done? I really don't get how this issue constantly gets swept under the rug, I mean Earth is all we have, so why wouldn't we do all that we could to protect it? People should be flipping out about this topic, yet for some reason they don't. Like the article said, if we don't do anything about it now, the effects may become irreversible.

  11. I'm surprised we don't see more articles on this topic. While our government needs to prioritize, and even though, as we have learned, they cannot take on too much at a time, environmental issues should take a front seat to some of the issues we are dealing with now. Like Christina said, I doubt that these statements will cause a revolution, but any new awareness helps.

  12. This is a topic that people are not very aware of, but need to become aware of. Like Christina said, this is a problem that has been around for a while now and very little has been done to try and fix it, which is scary. Hopefully more articles like this will be published and people will become more aware of what is going on with our environment.

  13. With recent gobal economic turmoil, war, and social issues, people tend to turn a blind eye to the long term, key issues, of which is the environment. the increase in greenhouse gasses, drastic climate change, and global warming will all have catastrophic effects and the time in which humanity has to procrastinate is growing shorter and shorter. people, as a whole, need to address these issues and develop a real solution and follow through on that solution, after all, life is the world's most important resource.

  14. I am going to be cynical and say that people are stubborn, and that they (we really) don't want to believe that the world around them is changing because of what they are doing. People do not want to feel responsible for this yet, and collectively they will not care until it is too late. We have been made aware of this whether it was called global warming or climate change. We know that this is happening and unfortunately it is not apparent enough for us to do something about it. If I really wanted to be cynical I could say that we haven't done anything yet because we haven't been affected ourselves yet. This is one of those problems that is hard to really grasp i guess. Intellectually we understand what is happening but I do not think that many people grasp the immediacy of the attention it requires. People don't actually believe that this is happening, even if they mentally have come to the conclusion that it is.

  15. I honestly don't believe some of these people who say the climate "will" warm up. They've been saying all this Global Warming stuff for years now, yet it's been so cold this year. But if this stuff is true, it's going to be a long up hill struggle fix this.


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