Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New numbers not adding up in Christie's favor

This article gives updates as to where New Jersey's Governor, Chris Christie, stands with his possible running in the 2016 presidential election.  Christie's approval ratings have dropped significantly. Also, the article touches base on the George Washington Bridge scandal which we learned about earlier this marking period.


  1. I guess I can't really say that this surprises me. We knew that the bridge scandal would have a negative effect on his image, but I didn't think it would be this bad. He hasn't even been found guilty of anything yet, but when we're so used to seeing politicians involved in scandals we automatically assume he's guilty. I was especially that he only had 23% of people describe him as trustworthy in the Rutgers- Eagleton survey. It'll be interesting how the bridge scandal concludes and how it will affect Christie when election season comes around.

  2. Christie has a lot of work to do if he wants to become a serious contender again for the 2016 presidential election. The bridge scandal has taken a very serious toll on how the voters perceive him and his personality. The scandal shows a hot-headed side of Christie which is not a good quality for a presidential candidate to have. Only time will tell how this scandal will resolve itself, but I think it definitely will not help his presidential hopes.

  3. I agree with Evan about being surprised that the George Washington bridge scandal had this much of a negative effect on Christie. His approval rating in New Jersey went down 20% just from November, and his approval rating is now lower than his disapproval rating. The article states that this is because the people have lost trust in the politician, which puts him "into the category of an ordinary politician," and I agree. Losing the trust of the people will continue to have serious consequences on Christie, and I am curious to see how much of an effect it will have if he is truly serious about running for president.

  4. I think that it is too early to tell how the George Washington bridge scandal will affect Christie. It has not been proven that he was even involved in the scandal. And still, like we said in class, the entire situation does not make any sense with the theory that he did this to get back at the democrat who did not support him. His claim to fame is cooperating with everyone and getting things done, so I seriously doubt he would let something like this happen that could hurt his chances at reelection as well as the Presidency.

  5. To be honest I don't care about what Christie's numbers look like at this point. I think that it is still too early. I am not surprised that the numbers are down, but they could drop lower or shoot up before it is time for the Republican Party to choose a candidate. I also think if the Republican party wants to attract more moderate voters that they need to choose someone like Christie (someone with a reputation of working across party lines).

  6. Yes, it's still early, but with Christie's numbers dropping so much, it's hard to know whether or not he will be able to bring his numbers back up. What Christie did caused him to lose his trustworthiness from many of his followers and supporters, and because trust is something that can take forever to build up, but just a second to completely lose it all, I'm not sure whether or not Christie will be able to bring his support numbers and approval ratings back up. This will seriously hurt him if he plans on running for president in 2016.

  7. Just as Kevin and Michaela said, it is way too early to be predicting whether or not this will be the destruction of Christie's presidential aspirations. The GOP nomination is over two years out. He has time to recover. Due to the fact that the nomination is so far away I believe that the Iowa pulls mean next to nothing. I did find it interesting, however, that his own state of New Jersey began to disapprove of him. It seems like Christie's approval ratings are constantly talked about due to his unusual Republican and Democratic base of supporters. The fact that they dipped below 50% is concerning, but they're not something I'd consider a fatal wound in the least bit.

  8. It seems that every week we see a new article about Christie. And not necessarily a good one. The bridge scandal has definitely had a serious affect on him lately. He has gotten more bad coverage than he would like to see. Although he has a lot of time to raise his numbers, he will have a lot of work cut out for him if he intends on winning in the next election. Anything is possible for someone in his position. He just needs to find a way to prove to his voting public that he is still a worthy candidate or the position, regardless of previous events.

  9. Although it is early, I think it's significant to see this massive drop in Christie's approval ratings. Christie was extremely well-liked by Republicans and Democrats, and this scandal may have very well tainted his reputation for years to come. Christie may have time to recover before the GOP nomination and the election draw closer, but this scandal scarred his reputation, and that may be impossible to fix. With that said, politicians before Christie have had scandals and have recovered from them with ease, such as Bill Clinton. Perhaps this won't be the end of his political career.

  10. I think Christie's approval ratings dropping is very significant not only for the presidential election but also in his current role as governor. Before the recent bridge scandal Christie had a pretty perfect track record with the electorate. I think the bridge scandal reminded the voters that even though Christie has seemingly behaved well in the past he hasn't necessarily behaved perfectly. Because we are still so far from the presidential election, I don't think we can count Christie in or out yet, many things could still happen between now and then.

  11. While it does seem that his numbers could change in terms of approval by the general public from now to election time, to the political parties 2014 is not very early at all to plan who they will back. And while we learned that candidates are not beholden to political parties, it definitely does make a difference. So I would say that it would take quite a lot to make Christie an appealing candidate to the Republican party.

  12. It's obvious that the bridge scandal has had a huge impact on where Christie stands, but it is still to far away to count him out of the 2016 election. I can't necessarily say that I'm shocked Christie's approval rating has dropped so much though. Although his numbers are down so low, he still has time to recover before the election rolls around and I think it's very possible that he could do so.

  13. As the Republican's foremost hope for a win this upcoming election year, Chris Christie severely damaged his image with this bridge scandal that has become a huge issue for many who thought he was the trustworthy candidate that could reach across the aisle to make deals. It was the apparent lack of therefore trust in the Democrats and all opposed to him that has lead to Christies tremendous plunge from stardom in the eyes of many citizens. These dropping statistics show that his chances at the presidency have ultimately disappeared from feasibility and as the leading moderate among the Republican candidates it is a wonder who can replace him on the ballot.

  14. I don't think this comes as much of a surprise for anyone. I think Christie and his administration knew that as soon as "Bridgegate" became public knowledge that his bid for president was probably shot. I do think Christie could be a great president because of his moderate stance, but at this point I don't know what the future looks like for Christie.


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