Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Congress Lets Down Military Members and Vets

This article talks about how Congress is more or less screwing over our veterans because of their inability to compromise. The article, which was written by Paul Rieckhoff, a veteran himself, explains all of the hardships veterans have had to face in the past years. Last week the US Senate, plagued with the Republican-Democrat bickering, prevented a bill from being passed that would have provided funding and more for our veterans. It's time for our Congress to be a truly bipartisan body and start to actually help our veterans instead of hinder them.


  1. While I am certainly disheartened by the Senate's failure to pass a law to benefit our veterans, their gridlock is definitely a prime example of Washington's overall dysfunction. I can't think of a single congressman or woman who would openly vote to deny or limit veterans' benefits. However, I know thee are several congress members who will fight tooth and nail in order to not compromise which is exactly what we are seeing here. Congress needs to get over itself and move past party lines if anything is to ever be accomplished.

  2. It is highly unfortunate that veterans would be kicked to the curb in such a manner as they have been. Many of these people have given their limbs, sanity, and many times lives in order to allow us to enjoy our freedoms. Thus, it is imperative that we ensure that no veteran goes without care for the injuries (both physical and mental) that they sustain while fighting for us. Without knowing the specific content of the bill, however, I am reluctant to judge the wisdom of refusing to support this particular bill, however.

  3. I am shocked there was not bipartisan support of this bill. I don't think party politics and a dysfunctional is completely to blame. The parties didn't do this out of spite. I don't think Congress is bad enough to play with the benefits of veterans and use it as part of their bickering. I am inclined to say that there's more to this bill than the article leads on which led to the lack of support. However, I do believe veterans deserve their benefits and much better care than they are receiving now.

  4. Here I was thinking that the Army was the Republican's pet project. It's very unfortuante that this bill didn't pass and I'm appalled that there was seemingly no real attempt to compromise and make sure that it passed. Whenever something like this happens, a bill increasing finances and benefits for others gets shot down, the same question always pops into my head. Would Congress members vote "no" if they needed those benefits, if they didn't have such a cushy lifestyle. This particular incident, I think, shows how out of touch Congress in general is with the public and I think there should've been negotiations, so long as it passed.

  5. If it is any group that deserves benefits it is, without a doubt, the veterans. Their sacrifice can never be forgotten. They are the life blood of our country, and the citizens can never loose sight of that. This is what frustrates me with the American political system. We cannot have a partisan government. Nothing ever gets done in congress. The people have to sit through and watch shutdowns, vetos, and fillabusters. We must have a bipartisan government.

  6. Congress is full of really horrible, crappy people. Not only is it common sense to honor our veterans, but it is morally the right thing to do. These loafs of dirt in congress sit in an office all day, go out to lunch with their buddies, and poop money. The real American heroes are the ones that have put their lives on the line to fight for the rest of us. The absolute LEAST congress could do is come together on this one bill to benefit our country's veterans. I am disgusted.

  7. I was pretty surprised when I found out that it was the Republicans who blocked this bill from passing. Republicans are often very pro-military and very quick to use the phrase "support our troops" as part of discourse or as a way to appeal to Americans' patriotism. I agree with mostly everyone else that the bill should have been passed. It's deplorable that our veterans have higher unemployment rates that the average citizen, and the high suicide rate is indicative of the subpar attention and treatment that veterans get when they arrive back home. Giving veterans benefits and increasing opportunities for jobs would help them re-assimilate into society, and it would avoid demoralizing stories like this from coming out every so often.

  8. I hate to see gridlock for a bill about veterans. Veterans and their families depend on the support they get from the government, so it is imperative that we find a way to push through this block. At least of there is compromise between the parties, veterans can receive some of the monetary and other help they need from the government.


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