Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Emails Released in Wisconsin Political Investigation

The governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, was under investigation last year for campaigning on government time in a county office. Governor Walker was not charged in that investigation but since then a second one has arose and is currently in action, looking into possible campaign finance violations, by Mr. Walker, involving illegal coordination with outside political groups. As a potential candidate for the 2016 presidential election Mr. Walker is not looking to good and a recent release of 2,000 emails from the former top aid to Mr. Walker may not help his "political future". 


  1. I don't think anyone has to go out on a limb to say that the scandal surrounding Walker will have a definite impact on his chances for the 2016 presidential election. While the article does note that Walker sent emails saying they should stop their actions, I thought it was interesting that that email was sent after a staffer resigned due to accusations. This gives me little doubt that Walker knew about his employees working on his campaign while on county time for the entire time they were doing it and, clearly, did nothing really to stop it. I don't see Walker as the next President of the country with an unresolved scandal in his back pocket.

  2. Given the fact that there is next to no evidence that Gov. Walker has committed no wrongdoing (and was not charged during the first investigation), I have a hard time believing that this will prove to be a serious problem during a presidential bid. This is a good thing for me given the fact that Walker is my number one choice come 2016. While his staff members may have been implicated, I do not understand how people can make an issue of it when he was not found to have performed any wrongdoing as a county executive.

  3. Any hint of a scandal will most definitely have an impact on any presidential candidate. Look at what happened to Governor Chris Christie. Whether or not Walker committed any wrongdoings is irrelevant. This will still be a black mark on his record that will follow him throughout his campaign that his opponents will surely attack.

  4. I think, like the situation with governor Christie, this scandal will definitely affect Walker's chances as far as being a presidential candidate. Assuming neither he nor Christie is chosen as the presidential nominee, who is left? Slowly the potential Republican nominees are being enveloped in scandal. I'm sure the Democrat party is crossing their fingers that there will be even more, and so is the bloodthirsty press.

  5. As my classmates above have posted, a scandal is going to effect any chances for someone running for president, especially when some the country tends to not look at the candidate's positives and only their negatives. Also this does nothing but add fuel to the democratic candidate's campaign, who will no doubtedly use this if Walker does end up becoming the republican candidate

  6. I agree with Emily E. And Olivia. Whether Walker is guilty or not, this scandal will still be on his record. Personally, I have never heard of Scott Walker, but I feel like he has a better chance at the republican nomination than Chris Christie since the whole "Bridgegate" scandal was heavily covered by the media.

  7. Once again, scandal will definitely impact a candidates presidential run for office. It is especially going to be difficult for Walker during debates when his opponents attack him on this issue. It wont be easy for Walker to defend himself to the voters that dont follow politics often.

  8. I don't think so much attention should be given to Governor Walker in this scandal. It appears to be a problem more with his staff than with the governor himself. Although it's very possible that Walker was aware of wrongdoing by his staff, there hasn't been sufficient proof to suggest that he should be penalized. If Walker weren't a potential presidential candidate in 2016, I don't think as much attention or blame would be directed toward him as a result of the investigation.

  9. Although there is very little evidence against Governor Walker and that the majority of the blame is on his staff, I feel that this incident will have detrimental effects on his 2016 presidential campaign. I guarantee that candidates will bring this up in an attempt to win.
    Also, Walker is not Chris Christie: he does not have the power and fame that Christie has so, unlike Christie, I don't think Walker will be able to simply walk past this.

  10. I would agree with Olivia that this will have an negative effect on Walker's run for candidacy. People are judged by the people who surround them, even if they are no like those people. Even if Walker has done nothing wrong, the actions of his aides reflect badly on him, and people will suspect him of wrongdoings in the future.


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