Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trump Plans to Repeal Obamacare

Tom Price, Obamacare Critic, Is Trump’s Choice for Health Secretary

President-elect Donald Trump intends to repeal Obamacare as one of his first acts in office. As a result, Trump says he plans to nominate Georgia Representative Tom Price, an Obamacare opponent who has been prepared for six years, as head of the Department of Health and Human Services. Being an orthopedic surgeon, Price has always been strongly opposed to Obamacare, claiming it has hiked premiums and limited access to doctors. The legislation Price has proposed, the Empowering Patients First Act, would repeal the Affordable Care Act and offer age-adjusted tax credits for the purchase of individual and family health insurance policies. Price has also favored legislations to bar federal funds for planned parenthood. Many democrats feel that the ideas proposed by Tom Price strongly favor the wealthy and do a disservice to the poor. Do you think it's a good idea to repeal Obamacare? Why or why not? Do you think Trump will follow through with this?


  1. I don't know enough about the specifics of Affordable Care Act to have a position on it. There's so much noise coming from both parties about it, and I haven't investigated enough to form an educated opinion. President-elect Trump seems to be on board with his party's plan to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act. However, he has softened his rhetoric since winning the election. If he does follow through with it, hopefully Tom Price's plan helps more Americans. After all, the health of the American people is more important than partisan divisions.

  2. I'm not sure if it is a good idea or not to repeal Obama Care. I don't know much about the Affordable Care Act, however many people are currently using this and because of this I think it will be very hard to repeal. In the article it says Tom Price wanted what was best for the doctors (at some point in the article I think it mentions he wanted to introduce legislation that would make it easier for doctors to charge more), and because of this I think he is doing it in favor of the wealthy. I'm not sure of Trump will follow through with it.

  3. I think that the Affordable Car Act should be reformed, but I'm not so sure I think it should be completely reformed, especially if it's being replaced by what Price has in mind, which I think definitely caters to the wealthy more so than the poor. As for whether Trump will actually repeal Obamacare, I really can't say. I think it's more likely that Price will work to repeal it than Trump, as it seems that Trump won't be sticking very strictly to all his plans he laid out during his campaign. Price on the other hand is quite committed to the cause of repealing Obamacare and had been working towards it for the past 6 years according to the article, so it's much more likely he will head that movement than Trump.

  4. Trump says many things that he probably won't end up following through on, but I can't say what is going to happen with Obamacare. What I've heard about the reform of the Affordable Care Act, Price seems to be conforming it to benefit the wealthy and not the poor, which is not a good strategy. While I don't know much about this act, if Price really has a plan that actually is going to benefit all Americans, then it it important for him to follow through with it and see how it goes. Trump on the other hand is most likely going to do which ever is easier for him and not really take into account the actual advantages and disadvantages to something like this. I don't know what Trump is going to do.

  5. I don't know much detailed information about the Affordable Care Act, but I don't think it would be a good idea to repeal the Affordable Care Act without a replacement in place beforehand, as millions of people depend on it. However, I do not support reforming it to benefit the wealthy, which seems to be Price's direction. Since his election, Trump has shown that he will not be sticking so strongly to his plans, so he may not follow through with this one.

  6. I don't really know a lot about the Affordable Care Act. I do think it should be reformed because there seems to be several problems with it. However, Trump's plan to repeal it completely would probably do more harm than good. I do not trust Price to make reforms to help all of society. While he might seem like an expert, I don't feel like he has my interests at heart.

  7. Although there are some technical issues with the Affordable Care Act, it is, overall, a beneficial and important act for the millions of Americans who rely on it for their healthcare. I do not think that repealing this would be beneficial; it would be very difficult and costly to do as well as leaving people without healthcare. Trump should be realistic and focus on fixing its flaws rather than getting rid of it.

  8. I do not know enough about the Affordable Care Act to state a solid opinion on this matter. I do think that repealing it without a new plan already in place would hurt millions of people. It would be difficult to accomplish and could have a lot of negative effects. Trump needs to focus on fixing the flaws in the Affordable Care Act or have a solid plan in place before being rash and following through with his threats.

  9. I think it's nice that Donald Trump is at least bringing in someone with experience in the field and is apparently prepared. I think that Donald Trump scrapping the Affordable Care Act is a really bad idea, because it's really important to many Americans who before didn't have access to health care. These people sill be without health care in the interim of these changes. I also disagree with him in regards to his plan to bar funds from Planned Parenthood. In terms of if I think Donald Trump will go through with this, it's very hard to say. He's gone back and forth so many times so I wouldn't be surprised either way.

  10. I think it's an absolutely terrible and irresponsible idea to repeal Obamacare. He either doesn't know or care how many people he will quite literally be killing by repealing the Affordable Care Act. If not killing, then bankrupting. Either way, he will be taking life-saving medication away from those who desperately need it. Taking away the ACA without a legitimate replacement in place is ridiculously irresponsible and cruel.

  11. I strongly disagree with Trump's plans to repeal Obamacare. While the ACA is flawed, it provides healthcare for millions of people who can't afford to have it removed! Instead, it needs a reform to address the problems with the premium hikes that Trump takes issue with. It's obvious that Trump is overly favoring the wealthy in the vast majority of his policy making, and that needs to change.

  12. Yes, the ACA has flaws but that isn't a strong enough reason to just rip it out completely. Every single plan on Earth has flaws there is no such thing as a perfect plan with no flaws. Any system Trump has to replace Obamacare will have flaws. Ripping out the ACA from under the feet of millions of Americans who desperately need it is absolutely absurd; it could hurt many people and Trump, as future dweller of the White House, should not want and should prevent as much unnecessary harm to the American people as possible. If he can find a way to fix some of the flaws via reform and careful planning then fine but he can't just remove it without a detailed plan immediately lined up to take its place.

  13. The affordable care act should be modified, but definitely not repealed completely. It helps millions of Americans with healthcare and Price's new plan sounds as though it will only benefit the wealthy. The affordable care act needs some work but it shouldn't be removed and especially if there isn't better plan to take its place.

  14. The Affordable Care Act was Obama's magnum opus, and even before he's out of office, Trump speaks of tearing it apart. I maintain a small shred of optimism, though, because Trump has effectively said about Obamacare in the past, "well its already there so I'm not gonna mess with it too much." He's not typically one whose word should be taken at face value, but perhaps he has some sense of moral dilemma when faced with taking away the healthcare of 20 million people or making his party happy.

  15. I don't know much about the Affordable Care Act, however, I do know that right now there are many many citizens that are relying on this as their form of healthcare so I'm dure that it will be a very hard process for President Trump to repeal something on such a large scale. I think that Trump will most likely not follow through with this plan, as he seems to change his mind about things that he has said in the past pretty often.


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