Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Steven Mnuchin is Donald Trump's Expected Choice for Treasury Secretary

Steven Mnuchin is Donald Trump's Expected Choice for Treasury Secretary

It's been rumored that Mnuchin, the national finance chairman for the Trump campaign, will be the Treasury secretary. He could play a role in enacting economic policy changes, such as a large amount of tax cuts, changes to foreign trade agreements, and the fulfillment of a huge new infrastructure spending program. He's a Washington outsider but has a history with Trump. His hedge fund was sued by Trump in 2008, not to mention the fact that he started out with Goldman Sachs, an organization Trump publicly denounced during the election. Do you think Steven Mnuchin is a smart choice after reading about his past experience? What does Trump's consideration of someone who works for a company that "robbed our working class" show about his own judgement and character? 


  1. Mnuchin is a member of the elite class despised so much by the majority of president-elect Trump's supporters. However, it makes perfect sense that Trump would appoint him, since it will benefit Trump. Trump is no champion of the "forgotten man," and his cabinet appointments highlight this. I don't know enough about the treasury and how it relates to banking to give an educated opinion about Mnuchin's qualifications.

  2. I don't have a definite opinion on whether he should be the Treasury secretary or not. From what I read it said he didn't have any government experience, but he did finance his campaign. I do not know if he's qualified or not, but I would mostly think he is not qualified because he has never had any government experience.

  3. Mnuchen's "deep roots on Wall Street and in Hollywood" make him a somewhat unorthodox pick considering Trump's prior claims that he would "drain the swamp," although it is something that he will have some experience that could transfer over to his new position. That having been said, it's still somewhat scary considering that this man could have the power to take back all of the progress Obama made with foreign trade, especially with Cuba considering Price's plan to reimpose the sections there. The fact that he is hiring a man whose hedge fund and company he previously disputed with shows that Trump doesn't really have what's best for the American people in mind, at least in regard to this decision. Then again, Trump flip-flops with his opinions on people, companies, and policies so often that his comment with about Goldman Sachs must be taken with a grain of salt since we don't really know if it reflects his true opinion on the company or it's employees.

  4. I do not think it is a good idea to hire somebody with no previous government experience like Steven Mnuchin. However, Trump was elected to be the president with no government experience so I doubt he shares my viewpoint. It is unsurprising that Trump would pick Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary despite their conflict in the past due to his experience in Wall Street.

  5. Trump is extremely unpredictable and his viewpoints change daily. Having Mnuchin as his Treasury Secretary doesn't completely surprise me because it's Trump who decides who to elect but it is not necessarily the best that he doesn't have any prior experience. On the other hand, I mean, Trump doesn't have any either. Trump acts upon things only to benefit himself, which explains the people he has been electing. Mnuchin was part of his campaign committee so Trump has had past experience with him. As for the fact that their history has not always been pleasant, I don't understand why Trump would hire him after denouncing his organization but he must have some sort of reason for doing so.

  6. At this point, it's hard to pretend to be shocked by Trump's decisions. I think Trump need to surround himself with loyal, but political allies. This seems almost like the spoils system to me. Mnuchin helped Trump's campaign and now he is a treasurer for one of the most powerful government in the world.

  7. Quite frankly, I don't think that any of Trump's cabinet members will be "smart choices." He does not seem to be concerned with appointing experienced politicians with the majority of the country's interests in mind. Mnuchin may be considered a good choice by businesses and wealthy Americans but he and his policies certainly will not benefit the middle class.

  8. Trump's flip-flopping attitude is evident in his change of heart regarding Mnuchin. I do not know enough about him to state a firm opinion on this matter, but I don't think Trump's prospective cabinet appointments have been the wisest candidates for the positions. Trump reversed his opinion on Mnuchin as he does with so many things. This is confusing and brings to light his indecisive and contradictory manner.

  9. That is very interesting that Trump and Mnuchin have a shaky past but Trump is probably going to pick him to be the Treasury Secretary. I'm not extremely familiar with Mr. Mnuchin, but I think it's really strange that so many political outsiders are entering government after this recent election. I understand wanting a bit of a change, but to have someone who has no experience in the government at all serve in the cabinet and be our president is really mindblowing to me. None of Trump's cabinet appointments so far seem very appealing to me in general.

  10. I find it very concerning that so many political nobodies are entering the cabinet. Having at least SOME political experience, especially considering the president himself has none, is essential. The fact that he's appointing someone who has "worked against the working class" clearly shows that Trump isn't trying to help the working class with his appointment. This appointment does concur with his tendency to change his mind.

  11. This appointment is yet more proof of Trump's complete inconsistency and unreliability. Mnuchin is a terrible choice for Secretary of Treasury, especially considering his history, according to Trump, of having "robbed our working class." This is just the next in a long series of abysmal choices by Trump for the cabinet.

  12. It just seems to me that is trying to pay off a debt with this choice. Someone assisted with campaign funds and now they're being considered for Secretary of the Treasury. Seems more than a little fishy to me especially after Trump denounced the same guy he now is supporting. I would prefer it if politicians could be more honest. In the article it mentions how Romney insults Trump, then has dinner with him and now complements him and says how impressed he is. I get that the politicians have to stretch the truth in many situations but can't they just say what they actually feel instead of lying to gain support or get into someone's good graces?

  13. None of Trump's cabinet members are a good choice and I completely agree with Adrienne that his appointments seem like the spoils system. It's ridiculous that Mnuchin doesn't have any political experience and I think it's unwise to hire that many outsiders. Mnuchin only has experience on Wall Street and in the long run this will most likely only benefit the upper class.

  14. No. I think this is a terrible decision, just like all of his other choices. Quite frankly our government is becoming so oligarchic. Appointing another multi-millionaire to represent working people in our country makes our system drift further and further away from democracy. As far as his position on tax policy goes.... I thought we had already established that trickle-down economics does not create a prosperous middle-class + working-class. Apparently not!

  15. Breaking news: Rich, old, white man associates almost exclusively with other rich, old, white men! At least Mnuchin graduated from Yale and successfully started his own firm, meaning he's a fairly smart and pragmatic man, but what does a person like that know about the interests of middle America? Nothing. Trump is just desperate to maintain the bubble he's lived in his whole life, surrounded by other wealthy people who have similar ideologies to him.

  16. I don't believe that he is a smart choice for the job. The last thing we need right now is more conflict. I hope we can choose someone who cares about the finances of the lower class and not only those of rich businessmen.


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