Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Trump falsely claims 'millions of people who voted illegally' cost him popular vote

By now, we all have probably heard of or seen Trump's tweets about how illegal votes cost him the popular vote in the election. This is the first time he's blamed voter fraud on his own victory, even though there is no evidence. He has also stated that the recount efforts, led by the Green Party, are a scam, and he has had contradictory views on the Electoral College. It is undeniable that Trump is active on Twitter, and that he is very responsive on the app.

What do you think about Trump's tweeting habits, and what do they say about the future president? Do you think his tweets have any kind of influence over his supporters? Do you think his tweeting will change once he's in office? Why or why not?


  1. Here's the thing: in our modern world, everyone is connected and constantly communicating. People can share news, opinions, and ideas in seconds. It doesn't seem like such a bad idea for people of importance and/or power to use our modern methods of communication in order to reach more of our youth and more people in general. However, I think that, and this goes for anyone, social media is only beneficial if you are using it correctly. Using it correctly would mean being kind, or at least respectful, and sharing things that are informative, positive, or, at least, not harmful/racist/sexist/homophobic/xenophobic/uninformed. There are probably tons of middle schoolers who conduct themselves on twitter with more maturity than Trump does.

    I guess what I am saying is this: a president being on social media isn't a bad thing if he is using it to provide information, news, or something beneficial. However, a president tweeting about alleged sex-scandals and conspiracies in the early morning hours is not using his resources to his advantage. He's just hurting himself.

  2. You think after winning the election, Trump would have his smart phone smashed with a mallet by republican party members. For some reason beyond my comprehension, Trump is still tweeting and no one is stopping him. There's a bible proverb miscredited to Abe Lincoln I came across when researching senior quotes: "Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue." Trump would look way better if he shut up for once. I'd say the tweets have some impact on supporters, but not much considering these tweeting habits are nothing new and, in case you've forgotten, he won the presidential election.

    Once he's in office, I hope Donald Trump's tweets have to be approved by Congress before they're sent out.

  3. If Trump keeps tweeting this way he could end up losing all of the respect that comes with being president. We'll have to see if there are any big changes to his habits once he is inauguarated. I think that the supporters who were totally into him from day one will change their mind whenever he changes his. If they wake up and see that now he likes the electoral college, they will too and won't give it a second thought. What if he tweeted the nuclear codes....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I just... sorry.

  4. Trump's tweeting habits are truly bizarre. I hoped he would stop tweeting and act more maturely, as he is now the president of the most powerful nation on Earth, but he seems to be incapable of acting responsibly. I think he just likes sending out incendiary tweets to anger people and distract the media, but the whole thing is still ridiculous. It makes me think that he will act the same way as president that he acted on the campaign trail. Maybe that means he will actually try to implement his extreme policies, but it is hard to say. I think most of his supporters know that he is just exaggerating when he says these crazy things, but some legitimately believe him. CNN interviewed a group of his supporters a few days ago and one woman actually believed millions of illegals voted in California. He must be getting through to some people with the misinformation, but I don't know how many.

  5. Trumps tweeting habits are very odd. Yesterday he tweeted again that SNL is unfair, then today he went on a rant that companies who leave the US are going to face heavy taxes. You truly never know what what he is going to tweet, and the fact that he is going to be the President of the United States makes it just a bit worrisome. I think he does have influence over his supporters through tweeting, as it is a medium where even if he is lying, his supporters might not know. They see him tweet something, and whether truthful or not, it is all some of his supporters migh see. If he doesn't change his habits once in office, it will definitely be a very slippery slope on what will start to stir up controversy.

  6. His tweeting habits BETTER change when he goes into office. They are quite unprofessional and anger many people. However, I do believe that his base very much enjoy his tweeting, and it is the main part of his "saying what he believes" persona that energized white working class voters, and that it only strengthens his base despite him saying blatant lies on twitter such as this. So therefore, I don't see it changing any time soon. I do believe, however, that somewhere along the line of his presidency, someone will confiscate his tweeting, and he will no longer tweet outlandish things, which will anger his base, but will overall be better for America and foreign relations.

  7. I feel like Trump missed the messages about "thinking before you post", or he straight up just doesn't care. Throughout the election, Trump's tweets (and words) have always seemed to either push a specific, rehearsed message (like all the talking points on ISIS) or just seem to be instinctual / reaction based (Mexican tweets, reactions to criticism), and very rarely are thoughtful in nature (reactions to natural disasters in specific areas.) I mean, as much as I have a disdain for social media, I do think that with careful usage, it can be a very effective means of distributing information to the public. But Trump just seems to be using it like a microphone to scream his thoughts to the world and stir up supporters, which is just scary. As others have said before me, I'm not sure why the Republican Party or any of Trump's advisors haven't smashed his phone already, as he's just making relations with everybody else tenser and tenser.

  8. I think that his tweets have a tremendous effect on his supporters. Given the fact that his vocabulary is so fragmented and minuscule, he writes his tweets with power hitting 6 letter words which works well for him since his voter base consists primarily of uneducated people. Check out some stats on education and who people voted for in this election. I guarantee there's a correlation. Or don't check the stats considering the fact that we are now living in a post-truth world where anything goes.
    I hope he keeps tweeting like this. I find it exceedingly entertaining, but also frustrating. I just hope Hillary starts tweeting things like "baby carrots are actually humans in disguise", "WRONG", and "it's a scam and it's all China's fault". She might as well so spidering the fact that apparently anything anyone says or posts is fact these days. I dont know if his habits will stay the same or change. All I know is that he's delusional and that it amazes me how anyone could believe the complete plethora of lies that falls out of his mouth and onto Twitter.

  9. Whenever my little brother starts using the family iPad more than he is allowed to my mom puts a password on it so he can’t access it. This is exactly what Trump’s team needs to do—change the password, take away his phone after bedtime, or make his charge his phone in the kitchen instead of in his room. Trumps tweets habits are not only obviously unpresidential and embarrassing, but they are also dangerous. When Trump is running the country, who’s to say he won’t tweet something ridiculously undiplomatic and mess up our foreign relations. Now that he had won this is no longer funny (it wasn’t funny before either). I desperately hope he will shut up on Twitter once he’s in office; if he doesn’t we could be done for.

  10. I remember when I was four my Mom told me not to touch a pan on the stove because she was just cooking on it and it was very hot. I did it anyway. I burned my hand. I cried. A lot.
    What I'm trying to say is that I knew I wasn't supposed to do something, I was TOLD that I shouldn't do something, and I knew it was dangerous, but I did it anyway. I didn't think before a acted.
    I was four. And not the President of the United States. Donald Trump, on the other hand, has a few more years of life experience than my four-year old self, so you wouldn't expect him to make the same mistake, right? Well, as he has displayed throughout his campaign and continuing in to the presidency, he does. Twitter is an impressive tool. It can be used to reach millions of Americans within seconds of typing a 140-character message. Previous presidents have used it vey effectively, namely Obama. So far, it seems Trump is mobilizing his supporters in a very different way. False claims, aggressive statements, whiney complaints: all brainwashed into his millions of followers. It's dangerous and unpresidential, and hopefully he will cut back when he is in office, but I don't think he will.

  11. Trump's tweets are hilarious if you look at them as they are. However, when you realize that these are coming from the president-elect, who is going to be the most powerful man on earth, it is very scary. His tweeting habits need to change if the US is to be taken seriously. Although I respect that he is telling it how it is, it is very unprofessional. With the increasing popularity of social media, Twitter can be a very effective tool in persuading the public, but Trump has to be supervised. With one wrong tweet, he can anger millions and stir up trouble all around the world. Hopefully, he will get an organization or staff members to run it for him, but that is unlikely considering the person he is.

  12. Donald Trump won the election as closely to by himself as is realistic. (That is to say, he joined up with a major political party). He denounced his party members at all turns, spurned the media that made him famous, offended almost any group that could support him, and somehow came away with the W. I'm not saying his tweets aren't dangerous (they could be) I'm not saying he's an adult (he isn't) and I'm not saying they'll change when he's in office (they won't). I am saying, nothing has significantly stopped the Trump train. He's won, by himself, against the country. So, until somebody stands in his way, or until he has a miracle realization that he's stepped in it big time, or until he realizes that, as president, he'd have to actually do stuff, he's going to keep on tweeting.

  13. I think that Trump's tweets have a great impact on his supporters. Trump often cites Twitter as the only way that he can reach out to his supporters besides rallies, implying that the media is too corrupt to cover him fairly. Unfortunately, I think Trump's Twitter habits are dangerous, as they can often cause divisiveness (look at his number of running Twitter feuds). The scarier possibility is that he may leak top secrets through Twitter- that's a high risk to take for a social media account. I think Trump's tweeting shows that he wishes to sidestep the media and the sort of criticism his predecessors have faced and speak straight to his base. This may be dangerous as it shows he isn't interested in trying to reach out to other groups. Just like people predicted that Trump would never win his primary, then the general election, I think think that there's no reason to think that he will stop tweeting once in office.

  14. Twitter is normally a great tool for people of celebrity status, or presidential status, to stay in touch with the people. But Trump's ruining it. I don't have a Twitter, but I still am aware of 99% of Trump's tweets because they're that outrageous. I'm glad that the president has a Twitter and I'm glad that he personally tweets. Usually, people of high status use Twitter to thank or communicate with fans in a good way, to get more support. But Donald Trump uses it to trash talk random teenagers and insult everyone who has an opinion different than his. It's like a wish from a genie. You wish for the president to be active on social media and communicate with the people, and he is active on social media, but for all the wrong reasons. Trump's Twitter account shows the potential Twitter could have for a president, but also what happens if you use it poorly.

  15. Well interestingly enough I felt the need to address Trump's tweeting in the last blog, but I'll go a little more in depth this time. Personally I think that using social media is smart. Using youtube to get a credible record of his future plans was a good idea, especially because of Trump's mistrust in the media. Twitter also could be a great tool for Trump; however, he utilizes it in an inane manner. Trump needs to start acting with self control during any sort of media exposure, and that includes his self-exposure on twitter. If Trump uses twitter correctly it could be a great asset during his time in office, sadly it doesn't seem like Trump will use twitter responsibly any time soon.

  16. Trump's use of twitter was an undeniably useful tool during his campaign. However, at this point it makes him come across as ignorant and immature. When he tweets out against SNL after nearly every time Baldwin does a cold open, or here with regards to the popular vote, he projects his ego out as what the press and America should be reacting to. Social media is important to a presidency, but run by a staff that have a deft hand. Trump tweets in the spur of the moment and without apparent thought, often contradicting himself or demonstrating his lack of experience and insight.

  17. Trump's tweets have been memorable, to say the least. They have been in many news stories on major news networks such as CNN, Fox, NBC, etc. And these tweets have massive influence over his supporters, many blindly accepting them as fact. This is extremely troubling when a large plurality of people are accepting information from 1 person or 1 group of people as fact. His tweets have helped in the divide of the media and the government. This is why I don't think his tweets are going to stop, if he has a large amount of people blindly listening to them, no matter how bad, why would he stop?

  18. I feel like, at best, Trump's tweets will cause his strongest supporters to say, "Oh, Donny! You're so silly!" At worst, it fuels them. It's a shame; I feel Obama did a great job at balancing his work with sprinkles of social media within. Trump's tweeting habits have certainly made him seem more like a "people person" who everyone can understand (Is this due to the fact that he tweets literally every thought in his head? Who knows?). He may even gain some support through his tweets. His tweets should slow once he's in office, whether due to having actual things to do, obtaining a work ethic, or someone physically removing his phone from him. At least, that's what I believe (read: hope). Maybe his publicist will figure out how to hack his twitter and use it for good. But for now, his tweets certainly show a lack of professionalism, his insecurities, and his inconsistencies (at least, to those who saw it in the first place).

  19. Trump's tweeting, while perhaps useful during his campaign, has become old and disgraceful. The president of the United States is yelling at a parody-styled TV show because it hurt his feelings. It is immature and frankly it's embarrassing for the nation, and if we want to keep any respect for ourselves I hope someone takes away his Twitter. He has no idea what he is doing, but someone could at least have the decency for him to keep that off the Internet. I also am ashamed to say I agree with dora in that the tweets fuel his supporters, and I feel that since he has won the election he has no need to continue tweeting, so therefore he shouldn't.


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