Wednesday, November 23, 2016

'Hamilton' boos at Mike Pence

In this article, they give videos, quotes and tweets referencing the Hamilton show where the audience had yelled things at the new Vice President Mike Pence. These tweets and quotes are of Trump saying the cast needs to apologize to Pence. He has sent out various tweets saying how the behavior there was in aprpriate and made a theater unsafe where it should be a "special and safe place" to go. While Trump is demanding for apologies, Pence is saying it's their right to express their opinions. What do you think about the audience booing Pence, is it the casts' fault? Is Trump overreacting or getting too involved? How do you think Pence is reacting?


  1. The cast behaved in a very respectful way. The members of the audience, on the other hand, were disrespectful, and I completely support them. I may be biased because I do not respect Governor Pence, but I believe that there is no problem with expressing disrespect. I hate to admit it, but Governor Pence did handle the situation well. Mr. Trump, like usual, managed to make a complete fool of himself through senseless tweets. I'm honestly amused by the #BoycottHamilton "movement" since nobody tweeting about it is cultured enough to appreciate the musical in the first place...

  2. Honestly, Pence replied and as far as I know, he didn't really care. Trump was the only one to get all bent out of shape over it. As usual we could count on Trump to show us just how unpresidential he is by taking to twitter and whining about it at 3 in the morning.

  3. I think the audience has every right to express their opinions about Vice president Pence during the show. At this point most politicians should know there is always going to be people that will disagree with you and won't be afraid to express their negative feelings about you in public. It does not surprise me that Trump exaggerated the situation more than Pence did.

  4. I don't think it was that big of a deal. Pence doesn't seem to mind and people are allowed to express their opinion, even if some people believe it was rude. I think Trump overreacted. Pence is a fully grown man who can take care of himself and he doesn't need Trump's angry tweets to defend him.

  5. Trump definitely overreacted to the crowd's behavior. While the crowd may have been rude, he cannot expect the cast to have such control over the crowd. In addition, Pence's reply indicates that even he doesn't think it was a big deal. I question why Trump even felt the need to get involved. Politicians should be used to taking stuff like this, and Trump was not the one getting booed.

  6. I think the cast handled the situation in a very respectful manner. Their statement was polite while still getting their point across, and Trump overreacted. They didn't attack Pence, they simply raised concerns. Pence isn't upset by it and acknowledges the right to personal opinion, so Trump shouldn't have overstepped his boundaries. He aggravated the situation in a very unprofessional manner. I don't see an issue with the audience booing. Some people cheered and other didn't, and that's a fundamental right citizens hold. No one got out of hand or tried to harm Pence. I saw Hamilton the day after and there was a crowd of Trump supporters making a scene after the show. No one asked for them to come stand outside the theatre and jeer and the people who saw it. They're instigating this situation, and I believe that is a result of Trump's tweet and his immature reaction. This shouldn't be a big deal; people are allowed to voice their concern, and if they have a platform for it as these actors did, great. Use it.

  7. I watched the video of the cast's speech towards Mike Pence, and they were not targeting him in any way, but expressing the fears they have with the new upcoming era. It was a pretty broad speech actually now that I think of it because they did not formally address specific reasons for why they were upset or how it should be fixed. Regarding Trump, his comments were way over the top. He needs to understand, first of all, how to react as Mike Pence reacted, for Mike Pence said that the the cast had the right to speak their own freedom. They do have the right to speak their own freedom. Second of all, Trump needs to understand that the people expressing these opinions were most likely not Trump supporters and many of them (being of different races, genders, and creeds) are scared for the future. As for the crowd booing Pence, the election was very close and Hillary won the popular vote so Trump as well as Pence have to understand that large amount of people did not vote for them. It is inevitably Trump's job to act professional and try to be hated less and less throughout his term as president. To do so, he needs to stop tweeting nonsense on his twitter about things he shouldn't even be tweeting about and actually get some work done for once.

  8. This whole situation is crazy! I definitely don't think that the cast of Hamilton did anything wrong and they certainly have no reason to apologize. From everything I've seen/heard, the cast acted extremely professionally and gave him a respectful message about their fears! The audience definitely has a right to boo at Pence! I think that's okay as long as nothing turned violent, which it didn't. Pence reacted very well to what happened, because he acknowledged that people have a right to freedom of speech and overall acted like an adult. Trump on the other hand went way too far. Pence can defend himself, and it's really funny that Trump said that the show was overated because it's sold out for the next year! There was no need for Trump to get involved with that.

  9. The crowd had the right to boo, and the cast's statement was very respectful; it is a prime example of freedom of speech. Trump's response, however, was disturbing because it shows that he is not willing to respect the freedom of speech if it goes against him or his inner circle. Pence's reaction was more respectable than the president-elect's...

  10. For once in my life, I actually agree with Mike Pence. The people at the theater absolutely had the right to express their opinions, as given to them by the first amendment. Especially since this is a privately own theater and play that the government, especially Trump and Pence, has no hand in people can and should express their thoughts and have no obligation to apologize to anyone. As usual, Donald Trump is acting like a stubborn child who isn't getting want he wants. As an active supporter of the second amendment, I'm surprised that Trump has seemed to completely overlook the first amendment. As for the reaction of the cast and audience of Hamilton booing and lecturing Pence, I'm not surprised in the least. Hamilton is a very liberal and diverse play so it makes sense that the cast would have something to say to a man fundamentally opposed to so much of what they stand for.

  11. Trump, as usual, overreacted. Pence himself acknowledged that the cast and audience have a right to an opinion and handled the situation respectfully. Trump, however, took to Twitter to voice his grievances which only make him look worse than he already does. He can't simply accept anything he doesn't agree with or use reason.

  12. Under the first amendment the crowd had the right to boo, and I think the cast handled it in a respectful way. They have the right to voice their opinion, and that is what they did. Donald Trump was wrong to say that they needed to apologize, because they are free to voice their own opinions. It is not surprising that Pence was booed.

  13. The cast absolutely had a right to boo and the cast was completely respectful. Everyone has the right to voice his opinion and even if the cast had said something disrespectful, they shouldn't have to apologize. It's ridiculous that our future president of the United States had such a big reaction about this one little thing. Pence even said it was okay because they have freedom of speech. Trump is impulsive and lacks composure and his reaction is indicative of his future presidency.

  14. Trump is absolutely overreacting to what happened. You can't whine, especially as the president, when a group of people peacefully express their opinions. Also, the anouncement that the group made on stage was perfectly acceptable; however, it shows Trump's horrible judgment in misinterreptating this encounter. I find it so ironic that Pence had the nerve to even go see the play.

  15. It is clear to me that the only party who mishandled the situation was Donald Trump. He definitely overreacted to the booing of Pence, and I don't see why he felt the need to defend him in the first place! While it might have been rude, the audience has the right to boo whomever they want as a result of their freedom of speech and expression, things that even Pence recognized. With Trump's reaction to this situation, in addition to his opinions about flag burning, it seems to me that he doesn't truly understand the first amendment!

  16. I saw the cast video of Brandon addressing Pence on behalf of the cast, and it is completely respectful. Pence chose to attend a musical that embodies values that he and Trump have fought against, and those attending share those values for the most part. The fact that he even went to this show is pretty gutsy and slightly offensive. The audience exercised free speech by booing, and the cast exercised free speech by addressing Pence. It was Trump that made this encounter so whiny and brash, and his reaction was absolutely inappropriate. The fact that the cast of a diversity-rooted show calmly, eloquently, and respectfully asked for their deserved rights and was then targeted for it shows the hypocrisy of Trump and his followers.

  17. Honestly, Pence has reacted fairly well throughout the whole ordeal. He hasn't tried to make a big deal out of anything. The President of the United States of America, however, is a petulant child. I can't wait to see what happens if a foreign nation metaphorically "boos" at one of Trump's policies. Will he start a war of words with an entire country on twitter? Will he ACTUALLY start a war? Find out next on the year's hottest new reality show, White Man's White House!


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