Saturday, November 26, 2016

Donald Trump blasts recount as "ridiculous" and "a scam"

Donald Trump is heavily criticizing Jill Stein in her effort to raise money for a recount in the state of Wisconsin for the presidential election, which should take place next week. Trump is calling this a scam that is raising money for her party that will not even go towards a recount, although she has stated that all of the money raised is going to an account soley for the purpose of the recount. Stein has already raised $5 million for the recount. He is also saying it is a waste, as Clinton has already conceeded the election to him. What do you think about this? What do you think about Trump's opinion? Is there a reason for this recount?


  1. I don't see anything wrong with having a recount. I do not believe anything will change, but it would best to have a recount to keep the integrity of the election. I'm not surprised that Trump is annoyed about the recount and, since he is Trump, he is going to be very loud about his annoyance.

  2. I think a recount would be unnecessary, as it would not change anything. Even if Wisconsin were to turn from a red to a blue state, the moving of 10 electoral votes will not change the outcome of the election. Hillary has accepted her loss, and I think everyone should focus on how to deal with Trump being president moving forward instead of making a futile effort to change the result of the past election.

  3. There are no issues with having a recount. It most likely won't have an impact, and I don't think the Green Party is looking to change any results. I think they're looking to bring legitimacy and integrity to the election process, and there's nothing wrong with that. Trump is just being whiny and, if he's really a secure politician, shouldn't feel threatened by this. If the theme behind this was trying to see some change my opinion would be different, but Jill Stein and the Green Party have made it clear that their intention is not to alter the results.

  4. I definitely like the idea of having a recount. I am assuming Trump is not happy with the idea because he doesn't want anything to get in the way of becoming president. He most likely feels threatened by this information and is coming up with all of these excuses for why she is doing this. The only reason Jill Stein is doing this is to secure the facts of the election in. There is no harm in doing that. Trump is unfortunately most likely going to stay the president elect so what is the issue with having the recount if it secures the truth.

  5. I think that a recount in many states is not a bad idea. The election was so close and we all know that Clinton won the popular vote. In some states, the votes were very, very close so I don't see an issue with having a recount just to be sure that everything is as it should be. Especially with the ballot issues in Wisconcin, Jill Stein has a right to raise money for a recount, and Donald Trump should stop tweeting things about it! It's unlikely that it will change anything, but it definitely doesn't hurt!

  6. I don't think it really matters whether or not there is actually a recount. Dr. Stein has stated that her party wants to establish legitimacy and faith in the accuracy of the election results, which is a noble pursuit. If it makes people feel less paranoid about some electronic ballot hacking conspiracy, I don't see a reason not to have the recount. President-elect Trump, once again, should have just kept his mouth shut and let everything get sorted out. His comments make him seem insecure and overly defensive, which just makes things worse.

  7. I agree with Ryan; Trump should accept the recount as being a fair part of our democracy and he should be capable of understanding that it is very unlikely that the outcome of the election will be changed. This situation is also incredibly ironic because Trump said that he would not accept election results if he lost. Also, he sounded like a whiny toddler when he said that millions of votes were illegally cast; there is absolutely nothing even remotely legitimate to support that claim. Sad.

  8. I think Trump is just making himself look silly standing so adamantly against a recount that will likely have no effect on him at all and the principles of democracy in general. As our future president, the smart thing for him to do would just be to support the Green Party's quest for completely accurate counts of votes. Also, the whole situation is just made more ridiculous when you consider how Donald Trump would be acting at this point had he not one the election. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are handling the loss of the election in a much more graceful and respectful manner than I'm sure Donald Trump would have.

  9. I agree that a recount is unnecessary and will most likely not change the outcome of the election. Trump's comments make him seem insecure and give people more of a reason to support the recounts. Sadly, I doubt that anything will change as a result of this action, but it is only fair to allow for it to happen.

  10. I think that the recount wont make a difference. I think even if they do a recount it wont really have a big effect on the election result. It is a little ridiculous that Trump refuses to agree with a recount even though it is part of our democracy. As others have said it is funny to see that Trump has refused to agree to a recount, considering he said that he wouldn't accept the election results if Clinton won.

  11. Trump should not be so defensive about the recount. It won't make a difference in the overall election and it is only a way of ensuring that the election was fair. His whole reaction to the situation is ridiculous and he needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. His whiny tweets won't make a difference if there is a discrepancy and he needs to be supportive of the way our government works.

  12. While I find it very unlikely that a recount would make any significant difference in the outcome of the election, there is no reason that it should not be gone through with. The Green Party's motive seems to be to shed light on the truth of the election, and this is a very reasonable and worthwhile goal.

  13. The fact that the Green Party wants a recount when there is absolutely no way they'd find enough votes hiding to make Jill Stein win shows that even people not in the Democratic Party want to make sure the results of this reaction are truthful. Though the recount likely doesn't change things, there is no harm in making sure the results of the election are valid. The fact that Trump is scared of the recount makes me think that even HE is scared that he won on a fluke.

  14. I definitely think a recount was a crucial thing to call for , especially in a democratic election that was deeply contested. Donald Trump, who claims he won by millions, although he factually did not, should be the first person to stand for a recount to ensure true democratic processes. However, he obviously isn't, which is concerning. However, I'm also critical of Jill Stein's intentions, I definitely wouldn't rule out the possibility of this being a political stunt.

  15. The recount was a little extra, to be entirely honest. If the fate of the election hung in the balance due to only a few ballots in one district or one state, a la Florida in 2000, then sure, a recount is necessary. Trump won the electoral college in a landslide, though, so this seemed a bit like a publicity stunt for Stein and the Green Party.


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