Tuesday, October 18, 2016

These women have accused Trump of sexual harassment

8 women have steppesing Donald Trump for sexual harassment. It seems to be all of a sudden. This events happened mainly at Trump Tower and night clubs, one even on a plane. These women seem to be pretty serious about their reports, saying he groped them, aggressively kissing by force and more. No matter who this is, it's a disgusting g thing to do. Now do you believe everything the women are saying or do you think there's a possibly chance they're just trying to get attention and throw dirt on Trump. Trump has denied most of the actions.


  1. I think that these allegations are absolutely true; after the Billy Bush tape Trump has proven that he's 100% capable of doing these disgusting things. It's probably very difficult for the women to have come forward because it puts them under a lot of scrutiny, but there's a pretty national acknowledgment that the time has come to play all of the cards that we have to stop him from winning.

  2. Trump has put himself into such a big hole with the recordings of his vulgar remarks towards women that it is not surprising to people that he would be accused of sexual harassment. I think these accusations are most likely true but I do not know if we will ever know for sure.

  3. Given Trump's history of vulgarity and disrespect towards women, these allegations are unsurprising and plausible. I agree with Ellie that they are most likely true, but, without other witnesses, we may never know for sure. In addition, Trump has demonstrated his untrustworthiness in such a variety of ways that his denial of these actions is probably not fooling anyone.

  4. Every time I scrolled down to read the next allegation, I thought to myself "surely this is the last one..." but no, they just kept going on and on. He is a vile man. There are so many good people in the world. Why must he be the one that's in the news all the time? Honestly, people like him give men a bad reputation. We aren't all rapists and perverts. Anyway, I have no doubt that he did all of the things that the women have accused him of. It all just makes me sad.

  5. The allegations range from what some people would describe as harmless kisses to much more disturbing things. Mr. Trump has shown the world that he is certainly capable of doing such vile things and may even be proud of them. However, like with many other high-profile cases, there is always a chance that the claims are false. In my opinion, most of the descriptions appear to be detailed and consistent, which points to them being true. Mr. Trump's constant assertion that he respects women more than anyone else is honestly ridiculous. What a nasty man.

  6. I can't imagine that these allegations are false. We many never know if they are 100% true, but after the release of the video we clearly know what Trump thinks he is able to do to women. If Trump said these things what is stopping him from doing them? It is concerning that there are so many people who have made these claims and because of this I think they are true. It is disgusting and gross to think that a presidential candidate has so many claims against him.

  7. I believe that these women are telling the truth; after what has been revealed of Trump's past, the allegations, unfortunately, come as no surprise. It is remarkable that someone accused of such heinous acts is still able to run for president, and maintain his supporters.

  8. Given Trump's history of disgusting comments and the video that came out a week or so ago, I would say that these claims are almost definitely true. Is it really such a stretch to think that he would sexually assault women? He shows no respect for women with his comments and actions, and I believe that these allegations are true. I also don't believe that someone would "search for fame" by lying about a sexual assault.

  9. I can't imagine that all of these reports from women are simply people trying to get attention. Trump has shown time and time again, in both the recent tapes that were released and many other videos, that he has no problem forcing himself on women. For him to now come out and say these claims are outrageous and "no one has more respect for women" than he does is ridiculous.

  10. I believe the women wholeheartedly. There's no reason for anyone to lie about these horrible actions, and the fact that Trump thinks everything is a conspiracy against him is disgusting. If anyone else in the world had these allegations against them, they would be fired or asked to step down. How is he still eligible for the most powerful office in the country?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. After hearing the recent tapes and everything that Mr. Trump has said about women, I definintely believe that these allegations are true. It's really sad that this doesn't even surprise me anymore, because of all of the things he's said in the past. I really don't think that people would lie about something as serious as sexual assault to hurt Mr. Trump's campaign because let's be honest, it's already damaged enough already after the release of the tape and just everything else that he's said. I'm curious to see if there will be any new developments in this story in the coming weeks.

  13. Given all of the things that have come out regarding Trump and the way he treats women, including the way that Trump speaks about women on a daily basis, I would not be surprised at all if the information presented by the women was completely true. It is upsetting to say that because you would want to believe that the information could be false but with things like this occurring with Trump on a daily basis, it is hard to believe otherwise. Him trying to cover it up is just nonsense because anyone can see that, regardless of what the women said about him, his general attitude towards women is disgusting and not appropriate for a man running for president, or any man for that matter.

  14. It is always very difficult to make a decision about the truth of allegations like these; on one hand, Trump seems to have a history with improper sexual conduct, and on the other hand, there is no real proof of what occurred. While I certainly dislike Trump, and find it plausible that he could have committed these acts, I am hesitant to condemn him before further evidence of sexual assault comes out. Words are one thing, and I definitely don't condone his words, but accusations of sexual assault are not to be taken lightly, considering the massive effects they can have on someone's life. Unfortunately, false accusations of sexual assault come up very frequently, and I don't think that we should condemn either side before a thorough investigation of the events occurs. There is a possibility of either party being right, and we shouldn't be so quick to decide.

  15. I fully believe these accusations. Women are hurt enough by rape culture already that people wouldn't go around lying about something as serious as sexual assault. We have proof of Trump disrespecting women, so there's no reason to doubt that he'd act on these thoughts as well.

  16. Ben brings up a good point, as much as I hate Trump for his words and conduct, the fact remains that people have abused usage of sexual assault in order to profit in some way shape or form. While I personally believe in these allegations in Trump, just due to the sheer number and consistency of the claims combined with his attitude, you do always have to be aware of this possibility. It's just sad that people who have power believe that they can just treat people like trash and dismiss it like no big deal. Regardless, I think that true or not, the claims will have a massive effect upon potential voters, and could be a massive loss in polling as a result.

  17. Given Trump's history with constantly disrespecting and making women feel inferior, I think these women are telling the truth. In the past, many women have made false rape accusations, but in Trump's case, I wouldn't doubt it's true.

  18. It's impossible to say right now whether these allegations are true or not. I recognize that being a high-profile candidate can put one at risk for false accusations, but that does not mean that these should not be taken seriously. With that said, I do believe, even for the scummiest of humans, that you should remain innocent until proven guilty, which is how our justice system works.

  19. I have no reason to believe otherwise why these allegations wouldn't be true. Based off of how Trump talks about women on a daily basis and the way he treats them, I definitely think that these allegations are real. His behavior is disgusting and with so many women stepping forward, it's a shame that people think the allegations are being made up.

  20. I believe that all of these accusations are 100% true. After hearing what he had to say in the Billy Bush tapes, it is very clear that this would not be something that Trump would be uncomfortable doing. I think he is a pig and it is very concerning that we have elected somebody like this as president.


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