Thursday, October 6, 2016

Kaine, Pence blast opposing running mates in VP debate

This article from the Philadelphia Inquirer and gives a good (and kind of liberal biased) summary of the Vice Presidential debate on Tuesday night. Although this article is very similar to Lauren's, it focuses more on how both Kaine and Pence didn't quite run the show. Both candidates seemed to talk over eachother and the moderator the whole time. I thought it was very interesting how Pence supposedly supports Trump but can't defend any of Trump's opinions.


  1. In Pences's defense I think it is probably extremely hard to support someone as unpredictable as Trump is. He has been vague with his policies numerous times and has been caught contradicting himself. Its also kind of interesting that in the presidential debate and the VP debate the moderators were struggling to keep the debate in control and all the candidates were childishly talking over each other as well.

  2. Trump's actions have been so unpredictable that it must be extremely hard to support him without contradiction. The debates this election cycle have been extremely childish, especially on the side of the GOP.

    1. I agree. Trump flip-flops so much that it is impossible to stay consistent in support for him, if his policy for immigration has changed 6 times since breakfast.

  3. I think it's probably extremely difficult for Pence to back trump without contradicting himself due to Trump's completely unpredictable nature. This election cycle, especially the debates, can be described as childish.

  4. I am not surprised that Pence had a hard time supporting Trump. Trump's unpredictability makes it difficult for people to defend him. I also found it interesting that the lack of professionalism in the presidential debate was also present in the vice presidential debate. The moderators in both were unable to control the candidates.

  5. In this election, both presidential candidates are highly controversial. Meanwhile their running mates seem to be safety picks, chosen to please party leaders. As a result, neither of them are that flashy or exciting, and the focus remains on the heads of each ticket. It's really not surprising that the vice presidential debate was nothing special.

  6. I think both of these VP candidates are extremely hard to watch. Kaine is tacky, awkward, and makes cheap jokes, whereas Pence is simply a narrow-minded yes-man who confusedly struggles to defend Trump. This debate was cringeworthy. Both candidates would do best to let the other speak. It reminded me of a "my older sibling is cooler than yours" debacle on the playground.

  7. The vice presidential debate was pretty much a train-wreck because neither of them were really acting maturely. I was shocked at how many times they talked over each other and cut each other off. Just like in the presidential debate, the moderator had a hard time controlling the candidates, who most times veered completely off the topic which they were supposed to be debating to attack each other and their running mates. It wasn't surprising to me either that Pence had a hard time defending things that Trump has said. It's hard for me to even say which did better in the debate, because it was so chaotic the whole time.

  8. I felt that both VP candidates at least attempted to relate to the general public. Kaine's comments and behavior came off as fairly rude to me. I felt that Pence did a good job trying to keep his composure and acting professionally but in the end both candidates just ended up making remarks about each others' running mates. I was surprised that Pence did not openly support the Donald on every issue which is good to see because it means Pence is being sincere and actually telling the people what he thinks.

  9. I think that these debates are quite stupid, especially this debate with the VP candidates as the debates weren't even on the VPs. It was more on their opinions of the members of the tops of the tickets. Pence would attack Kaine on Hillary and Kaine would attack Pence on Trump. So stupid.

  10. I think that these debates are quite stupid, especially this debate with the VP candidates as the debates weren't even on the VPs. It was more on their opinions of the members of the tops of the tickets. Pence would attack Kaine on Hillary and Kaine would attack Pence on Trump. So stupid.

  11. I feel as though in general, both Hillary and Trump are so "memorable" per say that people don't think much about their Vice Presidents. With that being said, not many people bothered watching the vp debate. During the debate, nothing much got done anyway between the two men because they kept on talking over each other. Was it because they were trying to be "memorable" for the general public? Well I am not sure but their inability to politely wait their turn really made the vp debate less interesting.

  12. Although I didn't watch the debate, I can tell from both of the articles that I have read that each of the running mates had trouble getting their points across because they kept talking over each other and trying to say bad things about the candidates. I think that it must be hard for Pence to defend Trump because Trump is always contradicting himself and saying provocative things that are rude and actually can't be defended.

  13. Even though I wanted to get around to it, I ended up not being able to watch the debate but followed it after on Twitter. From reading articles and watching segments, it's clear that neither candidate performed as well as hoped. Kaine didn't hold his composure well enough, and Pence couldn't answer a question confidently. Both talked over the other and it was all very unorganized. The whole event was unprofessional and really didn't shed positive light on either candidate. It's kind of sad because in an election as controversial as this, somebody's VP could really help them gain an advantage if they were received well after the debate.

  14. I was very surprised to hear that the VP debate went as disastrously as it did. It's very dissapointing to see that two candidates, who are supposed to be mild-mannered and representative of their respective parties, bicker like little children at such a critical point in the election. I'd prefer to hear real political discussions and arguments at these debates, but so far the politicians haven't been able to act appropriately.

  15. I was very surprised to hear that the VP debate went as disastrously as it did. It's very dissapointing to see that two candidates, who are supposed to be mild-mannered and representative of their respective parties, bicker like little children at such a critical point in the election. I'd prefer to hear real political discussions and arguments at these debates, but so far the politicians haven't been able to act appropriately.

  16. It is difficult to stand behind most things Trump says, which is probably why Pence didn't always do so. All of the politicians involved is this campaign have acted unprofessionally at some point, and haven't always presented themselves in the best light. I was saddened by the fact that this debate did not go very well for the VP candidates, as it is important for the running mates to have a positive influence on the success of the candidate.

  17. Both of the vice presidential candidates seem to be safety picks with very overshadowing presidential candidates. The VP debate was unprofessional and I wouldn't actually call it a debate. Both men just talked over each other and neither discussed anything of much importance. Pence skirted questions and Kaine didn't do a very good job either.

  18. This vice-presidential debate wasn't really about the vice-presidential candidates at all, but rather their presidential candidate counterparts. Both Pence and Kaine just took turns trying to bash Clinton and Trump, frequently resorting to talking over each other. Kaine did a pretty good job on backing up Clinton and standing by her policies, but Pence clearly had a difficult time doing the same for Trump and some of his outrageous remarks--which isn't suprising in the least. I imagine very few people agree with or can defend every single thing Trump has ever said.

  19. Pence was put in a very bad position for this election. He is a professional politician and he is forced to defend Trump even though Trump isn't very professional. I think Pence is just trying his best to keep Trump from appearing too insane and from that aspect, he's doing well.

  20. It was not really much of a debate, more of an arguing match between two men. The VP debate was not in the least bit controlled, multiple people were talking at one time, over each other trying to get a point across. They were asked many questions about their superior instead of themselves. Which for Pence, was not easy at all. Trying to defend Trump after what he said is like trying to keep a fish from swimming.

  21. Frankly, I don't think the article was left-leaning at all. I watched the VP Debate, and the article provided a detailed and accurate summary of what happened. Both men shouted over one another, Kaine more so than Pence, but Kaine made more good points and Pence had difficulty defending his running mate Donald Trump. My favorite was when Kaine directly quoted Trump and then Pence tried to say Kaine was being insulting when in fact he was just saying exactly what Trump has said in the past.

  22. This debate focused much more on the presidential candidates themselves, rather than the vice presidential candidates that actually took part; this was not entirely their faults though, because of the nature of the questions they were asked. In addition to this, the debate was extraordinarily unprofessional, at times escalating into a shouting match. With such a contentious election, it might be expected for this debate to be a turning point, with one VP candidate swaying over many voters by being more reasonable than their respective presidential candidate, however, disappointingly, neither of them rose to the opportunity.

  23. While I didn't watch the VP debate live, it sounds like overall, there wasn't much to be seen. You would think that out of two VP candidates that were known for being more soft spoken and respectful that the debate would reflect these tendencies and maybe provide a better sense of themselves and their respective presidential candidates, but apparently not. It just sounds like to me that Kaine was relentlessly attacking Trump while Pence attempted to deflect blame and remain slightly less opportunistic. I almost feel bad for Pence, in that he seems like a reasonable person to have a debate with, but is stuck trying to defend the actions of one of the most volatile presidential candidates ever while maintaining his own views. Kaine just appeared to be a child, throwing Trump's own words continuously back at Pence without letting him speak, and watching Pence attempt fruitlessly to defend/deflect blame off of Trump as a result. The moderators need to do a much better job at controlling the speakers and maintaining an actual debate so the audience can actually learn something from the debate, and not just waste time going over a shouting match.

  24. It's not surprising that Pence was having a hard time defending Trump considering Trump makes it very difficult for one to support him. I was also very surprised at how unprofessionally this debate was done, the moderator had absolutely no control over either of the two candidates as they constantly cut each other off. This VP debate was a joke.


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