Monday, October 17, 2016

Report from Standing Rock: 100+ Militarized Police Deployed Against Native American Water Protectors

For a couple of weeks now, the protesters have been attempting to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline. This is one of the newest developments where protesters at Standing Rock were praying and being interviewed by Democracy Now! for the reasons they came to the pipeline. Reasons ranged between, in an effort to save the water, as one woman came from Michigan, others simply for the continuity of native generations coming from Native Reservations. There was a blockade of the road by the police, armed with batons, and rifles in riot gear along with national guardsmen. What do you think of these protester's pleading to pray for the land? What do you think about the way they were responded to by law enforcement?


  1. The protesters were peacefully demonstrating and not posing any danger, which makes the police harshness and threat of arrest pretty infuriating. Peaceful protest should not be met with that degree of harshness.

    1. Should violent protest be put down? For example Charlotte?

  2. I think that police have definitely exaggerated their response to the protests but in recent events we have seen evidence of when a peaceful protest can quickly turn into a violent one whether it is influenced by police or the protestors frustration.

  3. Such a harsh response by the police was unnecessary. The peaceful protest did not justify such a display of aggression, and this event only reinforces concerns over the harshness of law enforcement.

  4. In the video, one of the protestors claims that some of the legal documents are still pending. If this is true, I support their insistence on disrupting the construction of the pipeline. The construction company should not proceed until everything is completely approved. Either way, there is no apparent need for such an intense police response. Obviously anyone who actually breaks the law should be arrested, but the protest seems generally under control.

  5. I support these protestors because they are trying to prevent something from happening that will effect them environmentally and maybe even effect their health. In addition, in the article is says that the construction company didn't have all of its permits ready and I believe until they happens they are free to protest. I think the police were too extreme. These people seemed generally peaceful and their main intention was to pray, and because of this I believe they were too harsh.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The peaceful protests should not have been responded to by law enforcement in the way that they were. The protesters were praying for the land and there was nothing violent about it. Just because some construction work had been delayed, does not mean that people should be arrested.

  8. I do not believe that law enforcement should have reacted to the protestors in such a manner. Until final approval has been given, the construction company should not commence with their project. The protestors should be able to protest to prevent construction because the company may lack this final approval. Even if the project is approved, the protestors ought to be able to peacefully oppose it, as the land clearly has value to them.

  9. The protesters were there praying and peacefully protesting, trying to protect the water that they and their children and their children will be drinking for a long time. They have every right to protest and this reaction from police forces is completely unnecessary. Batons, rifles, and attack dogs have no place among a group of peaceful protesters. If there was any violence or destruction of property the law enforcement would have more of a reason to step in, but there in none of that in this case.

  10. It's a shame that this isn't getting more media attention. Peaceful protest should not be met with violence and I have not heard anything saying that these protests were violent. It sounds like the construction company doesn't have everything in order and ready to go and with something as controversial as this, the construction company should have had all legal matters settled before hand to be on the safe side.

  11. We have a right to protest, and especially since these protests were peaceful there is no reason why police were being that harsh. It is completely unecessary that police had batons, rifles, and attack dogs on the site of a peaceful protest. This story should be getting much more attention because it is ridiculous what is going on!

  12. Living in America, we have the right to speak up and fight for what we think is right, so I fully support the protest, especially being peaceful. However, it is terrible that the peaceful protests caused violence from the police. That was not right that they did that. As well, I like that you chose this article because all of the other articles are talking about the upcoming election and this brings upon an issue that is not strongly highlighted in the news and it gives a change in the topic of discussion which is nice to have.

  13. I fully support their right to peaceful protest and believe that their message should be at the very least heard. The protestors present valid reasons to stand against the continuation of this project and police respond with force and violence. This reaction is unfair and an overreaction considering that the protestors are peaceful. The law enforcement officials are handling this situation in the wrong manner, and it is only a matter of time before something goes awry.

  14. I think the reaction to the protests was very unwarranted. They have every right the peacefully protest, especially if the cause is land preservation. The pipeline has many passionate supporters and if they aren't protesting violently, I don't see why any police action has to be taken against them.

  15. There is no valid reason that the police should have responded in this way to the protesters; people should all have the right to peacefully protest something that they think needs to change, and should never be violently put down. The government should take protesting like this more seriously, especially on such an important issue. Additionally, it's refreshing to see an article that isn't about the election. The constant campaigning is exhausting.

  16. The police shouldn't have responded in this manner. Citizens are allowed the right to peacefully protest, and authorities overreacted in this situation.

  17. I've heard multiple stories upon who is right and wrong in this series of protests, so I'm not sure if both sides are entirely righteous in their actions at this point. However, I must say that the police response to this protesting is sadly way out of proportion. When the protest is peaceful to start with, bringing in people with riot gear and heavier weapons is not going to improve any matters. If anything, it just seems like a way to intimidate the people into getting on with their lives and not questioning what is going on, which is just terrible.

  18. I think law enforcement's reaction to this has been egregious. I hate to say it, but it's so reminiscent of historical treatment of Native Americans. I can only imagine what would happen if say the Vatican's sacred land were at stake. It really shows that law enforcement stands to protect not the people who should have the power but the people with it.


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