Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why Hillary Winning Might Be Bad News for Democrats

This article points out the obvious reasons for why Hillary Clinton may be the Democratic favorite for the 2016 presidential election. It also highlights the potential negatives that would result if she decided to run. Since Clinton is already a well-known name, she would have an incredible advantage from the start. This would deter rising stars in the Democratic party from running and thus prevent any of their views from gaining ground. The author also likens Clinton's position in the next presidential election to that of George W. Bush in 2000.


  1. The democrats are definitely facing an interesting dilemma. Clinton as a democratic challenger would certainly steamroll all other democratic nominees. That being said, the democrats have to decide whether they want a fight or not. A fight between two (more) unknown democratic nominees could attract more media and allow the focus of the race to be more equal on democrats and republicans. That being said, voters may be repelled by even more fighting within the parties (since it's easy to assume that the republicans will also have a fight for the party nomination). I would be happy to see Clinton as president, but I think the future of the party and the future of the US will definitely be heavily introduced by this election.

  2. While I, of course, do not want to see Hilary Clinton elected President, I can still comment on the utility of the Democrats nominating her. The utility, in my mind, is largely determined by whether or not Benghazi is going to be made an issue during the campaign, what her record as Secretary of State was, and of course the fact that she attempted healthcare reform as well (HilaryCare). Since it remains to be determined what the influence of these issues will be, I cannot say whether or not nominating her would be a mistake or not.

  3. I have mixed feelings about Clinton becoming the nominee. I agree that her name and history would help (but possibly hurt) the Democrats to some degree. However, I agree that she is a candidate from the former "new" generation. For some of the new voters, the name Clinton only kind of rings a bell. The image of the future, which is what was so successful with Barack Obama in 2008, is what they need again. They need a new, young, exciting candidate. If the Republicans are starting on a blank page, so should the Democrats, otherwise it will be McCain vs Obama, but reversed.

  4. I'm not sure how I feel about Hillary Clinton getting the democratic nomination. In general it would be cool to see a woman close to becoming the first female president, but I am not sure if Clinton is the best one to break that ice. I hope the focus for the democrat side is not on Clinton, it just does not seem that interesting. The republican nomination, however, seems like it could be interesting in the upcoming election. Overall, I have mixed feelings like Emily Evenden on Clinton becoming the democratic nominee.

  5. Being 18 and legally allowed to vote, I intend to exercise this right, especially in the next presidential election. I'm not sure what I will register, but it will probably be democrat. Anyways, I do like Hillary as a candidate, 6 years ago I didn't like her as much, but I didn't know as much then either. I can see myself voting for her, but I understand the author's points as well. Fresh, new ideas are always good, so i will be sure to listen to the not as heavily favored candidates as well

  6. I really dont like Hilary Clinton for president. Simple as that. However i do think she will have a huge advantage because of coattail voters. Clinton can be a good or bad name when it comes to politics, (Considering Bills affair). But there are a lot of people that loved Bill Clinton, so they will see Hilary Clinton on the ballot and vote for her.

  7. I think this article makes a fair point. Hillary Clinton is a very well-known politician and one whose past may be used against her in an election. I think she has a very good chance of winning in 2016, but the question that this article raises is whether or not that's a good thing for the Democratic Party. I haven't personally witnessed the conflict between old and new Democratic ideas that the article mentions, but I can see how stagnation in the party could lead to problems with accessing the public in the future.

  8. I don't really have an opinion of Hillary Clinton. I do agree with Steve saying that many people will vote for her solely because of her husband though. The Clinton family does have a strong presence in politics so it will be interesting to see what Hillary has to say and how the American public, and Democratic Party will respond. I can't say whether I will vote for her or not yet.

  9. I do not like Hillary for president as well. I do think, though, that her challenging for the democratic nomination will be very successful because of her fame, and long-standing Washington experience. If all goes smoothly I do not see Hillary not getting the democratic nomination.

  10. I agree with the article in that the Democratic Party needs a fresh face with new ideas. We have heard so much about Hilary even though it's is so early in the game. To keep interest in their party, the Democratic must at least make an effort to keep evolving with changing interests and views.


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