Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Their Apps Track You. Will Congress Track Them?

In this article, it talks about how Congress believes that apps that need your location offer too much information and cause privacy problems to the person who allowed the app on their mobile device. Mr. Franken, a Minnesota Senator, says that the app provides too much information that the app does not need. It tells the app creators where a person lives, where his or her job is, etc. The App creators respond in a way saying that they need this information to produce ads that are around that person at that time.

I feel that it should be up to the person who has the mobile device. Most mobile devices today have something that pops up (at least my phone does) asking whether or not you want your location o be used in the app. If App creators did this, it wouldn't be a problem. It is really up to the person and how they feel about someone, if they really are, tracking you.


  1. I have to admit I am not a fan of certain apps needing my location to function. I can understand it for some apps like maps, food searches, and other things of the like, but they should only need your current location and nothing more. I do not understand why some apps need to know where I live and while I do not think they use my information for malicious purposes I would still rather that they not have possession of that information.

  2. If these apps insist on knowing our personal information, I don't see why Congress can't monitor them. Most of the time an app asks for my location, it's irrelevant to the use of the app. I highly doubt the people behind these apps are using our locations for bad intentions, but it wouldn't hurt anyone if Congress made sure of that.

  3. I know a lot of the time apps ask if they are able to use my location for whatever their purpose is and I always just simply say no. I understand why they would want it in terms of making ads more appropriate for me however when I'm not even paying attention to the ads, I don't see giving my information as necessary. Users just needs to be aware of apps wanting their info and take it upon themselves to rely if they care if the app has their info. I don't feel like this is a big, pressing issue when individuals can give their consent or not.

  4. I feel that for most apps I am given the choice of whether or not my location is used. As long as I have the power to control what information is used I don't have a problem. I do understand why some people might find this an invasion of privacy. Why would an app need your location? The point is if you don't want your information out there then don't give it out.

  5. Any phone made in the last few years is traceable due to the GPS compatibility installed in them. The app makes it easier to do so but if anything, I think it deters people from monitoring your personal information because it is more widely known that is possible. It's not a very good business decision to use peoples' personal information for malicious purposes though, especially if you make apps in a smaller company that cannot afford to deal with potential lawsuits.

  6. So many apps come up and ask me for my location, and foolishly I say yes for whatever reason. I guess I just don't really think about it too much. I agree with Dan when he says it would be stupid for them to use it for malicious purposes. If anything serious were to happen with a company and its location detecting service it wouldn't be too difficult to find out. Almost everything asks for our location at this point, so if they don't get it from my phone, they can get it from my GPS in my car or my computer or something else. It's never ending.

  7. It is good think, trying to protect people's privacy. I don't it is really that easy trying to regulate location services. The problem I see is that as technology keeps advancing year by year, things like this will probably be a normal thing. Also I think the problem is that many people either don't care or don't no about about location services.


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